It is November!
Many, many of our fellow humans here in the northern hemisphere despise this late fall month.
“It is too dark.
Too grey.
Too rainy.
TOO stormy.
Too boring.
No fun.
Christmas is too far away.”
The list goes on and on…
I, for one, do not detest November.
I love all 12 months of the year. I do not mind a single one of them, not even November!
NO, heck, especially NOT November. Poor, little misunderstood November.
November is what YOU make it out to be!
Just like every month of the year.
I just see the fall months—and the winter months, too, for that matter—as a chance to reflect and re-group. This is the time for you, your spouse, your children, your home, friends and family.
I do not see the darkest time of the year as “a threat”. The darkness does NOT depress me, it comforts me.
I see the darkness as a chance to make my home extra cozy, cook good meals, light tons of candles, plan for Christmas, and beyond.
I really do think THIS is the coziest time of the year. Yes, in November you have everything ahead of you, glittery beauty queen December just waits for all of us around the corner.
November is the poor little peasant as far as months go. But peeps, please do not underestimate this month!
You can start planning for Christmas now, maybe you’ll even start decorating a bit? I will, but I will wait for the weekend after Thanksgiving for the big stuff, like the tree etc, etc.
However, I’ll be putting up Christmas curtains, putting out Christmas rugs, and I will even begin to rig my garden, and deck, with Christmas lights. I am planning on doing ALL this before Thanksgiving. I think I’ll start mid November. However, I will not light the lights. But it will all be set up and ready to go!
I do not want to stress too much in December. I want to ENJOY the fruits of my labor then.
SO, November is a good month for planning, and even doing.
One of my neighbors told me Saturday night,
-Annika, you have taught me how to appreciate the fall, and especially November. You have taught me how to make it cozy in small ways. That means a lot for my well-being.
THAT felt good to hear! Said neighbor hails from Wisconsin so she is used to fairly dark falls/winters and with very cold temperatures at that.
I just think us Swedes, and Scandinavians as a whole, are good at making the best out of what nature gives us.
WE cannot DO a thing about the darkness, therefore it is our choice to embrace it instead. Make it work for us, in our favor.
Do the best of it. Make it cozy. NOW you have all the chances in the world to do so.
All it takes is some candles, some good music, some blankets and a good attitude. If you have this you are golden, so to speak.
Be golden!
I am making a Royal Straight Flush out of my fall, and of my November in particular, and so should you!!
Have a good Tuesday!!
Many, many of our fellow humans here in the northern hemisphere despise this late fall month.
“It is too dark.
Too grey.
Too rainy.
TOO stormy.
Too boring.
No fun.
Christmas is too far away.”
The list goes on and on…
I, for one, do not detest November.
I love all 12 months of the year. I do not mind a single one of them, not even November!
NO, heck, especially NOT November. Poor, little misunderstood November.
The pictures are all shot by me, with my Canon, in November last year. I am sure I'll shoot plenty more this November. I promise, I'll share them with you!
November is what YOU make it out to be!
Just like every month of the year.
I just see the fall months—and the winter months, too, for that matter—as a chance to reflect and re-group. This is the time for you, your spouse, your children, your home, friends and family.
I do not see the darkest time of the year as “a threat”. The darkness does NOT depress me, it comforts me.
I see the darkness as a chance to make my home extra cozy, cook good meals, light tons of candles, plan for Christmas, and beyond.
I really do think THIS is the coziest time of the year. Yes, in November you have everything ahead of you, glittery beauty queen December just waits for all of us around the corner.
November is the poor little peasant as far as months go. But peeps, please do not underestimate this month!
You can start planning for Christmas now, maybe you’ll even start decorating a bit? I will, but I will wait for the weekend after Thanksgiving for the big stuff, like the tree etc, etc.
However, I’ll be putting up Christmas curtains, putting out Christmas rugs, and I will even begin to rig my garden, and deck, with Christmas lights. I am planning on doing ALL this before Thanksgiving. I think I’ll start mid November. However, I will not light the lights. But it will all be set up and ready to go!
I do not want to stress too much in December. I want to ENJOY the fruits of my labor then.
SO, November is a good month for planning, and even doing.
The view from my bedroom. I love it!
One of my neighbors told me Saturday night,
-Annika, you have taught me how to appreciate the fall, and especially November. You have taught me how to make it cozy in small ways. That means a lot for my well-being.
THAT felt good to hear! Said neighbor hails from Wisconsin so she is used to fairly dark falls/winters and with very cold temperatures at that.
My kitchen in November last year, it looks pretty much the same this year.
I just think us Swedes, and Scandinavians as a whole, are good at making the best out of what nature gives us.
WE cannot DO a thing about the darkness, therefore it is our choice to embrace it instead. Make it work for us, in our favor.
Do the best of it. Make it cozy. NOW you have all the chances in the world to do so.
All it takes is some candles, some good music, some blankets and a good attitude. If you have this you are golden, so to speak.
Be golden!
I am making a Royal Straight Flush out of my fall, and of my November in particular, and so should you!!
Have a good Tuesday!!
Snow on 26 November last year. I was early with the Christmas lights then as well. However, I did not light them until after Thanksgiving.
Härliga foton och det finns mycket fint även på hösten i naturen. Men snön får gärna vänta till julafton:-)
Härliga bilder från förra årets november och ditt kök är så fint Annika!
Vackra foton från november.
Hösten hos er har ju verkligen varit exceptionell!!
Så vacker, så mild. Den har liknat höstarna här. Så det skulle inte förvåna mig om november fortsätter i samma fina spår som oktober.
Ja, jag är också taggad inför julen nu.
Precis som du så plockar jag fram julen tidigt, men jag tar också bort den direkt efter nyårsafton. Då är det över. Då vill jag ha bort den.
Ha en fin tisdag!
Sådär ser det ut nästan varje lördagkväll, och ibland på fredagarna också. Under veckorna är det inte lika uppänt med levande ljus, hihi!!
Blir glad över att du tycker det är mysigt.
Samma här, det är inte lika mörkt som hemma här heller. Nu går solen ner runt klockan 17, och det tycker ju många här är väldigt tidigt.
Precis, snart är december här, det är underligt nästan.
Ja, jag med. Alla månader är fina. Tror att jag också gillar hösten mer än våren. Tror det, fast jag är lite kluven. Jag är glad att jag får samtliga, och du med.
Jag gillar också oväder, jag gör verkligen det. OCH precis som du ser jag fram emot en vargavinter, men jag har hört att den ska bli mildare än normalt hos oss. TRIST!!
Men jag har också hört att ni därhemma går en sträng vinter till mötes. BRA va!!
TACK för att du gillar mitt kök. DU gör mig glad.
Visst gör det det.
Julmarknader är mysiga.
Yes and AMEN to both. Me, too!!!
Absolut har de det!! Alla 12!!
Heja systerdottern, she got it DOWN!!!
Ja, jag vill också komma ut under dagen, måste ha min fix av natur och ljus!!
OCh ibland lite shopping ;-)
ja, det är ju inte så mkt annat att göra. Och det mesta sitter i attityden, tror jag.
Förstår att nattjobb är extra kämpigt under den mörka årstiden.
Klart man får klaga ibland, men bättre tända ett ljus än förbanna mörkret :-)
KRAMAR xoxo Anna
Åh, jag minns att du berättat om detta förr.
Jag minns ju själv hur det var att gå till jobbet när det var mörkt, och komma hem då det var mörkt. Men du bor ju ännu längre norrut än jag gjorde.
Så visst förstår jag att det KÄNNS också, även om jag inte led av det i Sverige. Men jag vet ju att det är många som gör det.
Hang in there, snart glimmar juleljus.
Precis, så ser jag det hela.
Och här kommer julen direkt efter Thanksgiving.
Thanksgiving är dessutom en sådan genommysig helg.
Å lite svenska jultidningar skulle smaka fågel nu, mysigt.
Fantastiska bilder förresten.
Precis, det är en fin månad. OCH tack för bildberöm!!!