A trip to Gettysburg

Good morning Tuesday people!

How are you all doing and feeling? 
Good, I hope.

Peter and I had a nice weekend. The big chill has left us and we’re in for a fairly mild week. As long as it does not get too warm too soon I am in.

On Saturday Peter and I took off for Gettysburg in Pennsylvania.
It takes less than 90 minutes driving there. So it is a good outing on a Saturday. Our goal was to visit the big battlefields in this area.
You know, the ones that got famous (infamous?) durin the American Civil War.

This was the first time for me visiting these battlefields. I have been to other ones in our area, like Manassas battlefields and other, smaller ones, here in Northern Virginia. But I have never seen anything like the ones in Gettysburg.

People, these battlefields were (are) enormous. Not only are there fields, the battles took place amongst hills, valleys, rocks and boulders as well. I can't even imagine what these poor soldiers had to go through.  And to make matters worse, it took place in the dead of the humid and hot summer.

The battle in Gettysburg took place between July, 1-3 1863.
Three bloody, awful, scary days for all these solider that fought over the land. For the north, the Union blue soldiers, it was a significant win against the the south, the Confederate gray soldiers. This battle was the turning point during the Civil War. And it also shaped the United States until what it is it today. 

My dear husband is somewhat of a history buff, and he’s very interested in the Civil War, so it was great having him there as I was asking questions.

These battlefields are so wide spread within the town of Gettysburg.
Actually, the battlefields are surrounding the town. There is a self guided auto tour within the park and you'll drive from point to point on the map. The drive is 24 miles long (38 kilometers) and it takes you to all significant places. You can also get the audio tour thru the National Parks app.

This park is a very interesting place to visit. You will learn a lot about the civil war. Many of you have probably watched numerous movies and TV-series about this war. One that I can certainly remember is "North and South" from the 1980's.

Here are some pics from our drive thru the park. 
Don’t let the sunshine and the clear skies fool you, it was very windy and cold.


Have a good Tuesday!


Yvonne said…
Vilket fantastiskt ställe och bra de har gjort en park av det med så vackra statyer och minnesplatser utplacerade. Måste vara rena drömmen att vandra där för historieintresserade.

Så många som fick sätta livet till på så kort tid, förfärligt. Antar man känner historiens vingslag när man besöker parken och bra att det tagits om hand och gjorts till en park.

Ha en jättefin tisdag och tack för historielektionen säger jag och skickar en stor kram från ett regnigt Åkersberga
Anonymous said…
Historiens vingslag.. helt otroligt att ta in. Alla som dog och skadades.. läskigt. Kul som vanligt att få följa med er på utflykter :)
Gomorron Annika!
Vilken intressant, men samtidigt lite sorgsen plats när man tänker på alla förlorade liv :/
Jamen såklart har jag sett Nord och Syd, älskade den serien, även om det är många år sen nu jag såg den :) Jag var inte team Patrik Swayze (Orry) dock, gillade den andra, George ;)
Vilken tur ni hade med vädret också även om det var lite kallt :)
Tack för en historiskt vandring!

Stor kram!