I hope you all have had a good one.
Does the darkness bother you?
No, it does not bother me. I only find it comforting and cozy.
We did switch over to standard time over the weekend.
Finally, the mornings are lighter again. Rejoice!
No, but I totally prefer standard time.
However, I do not like to wake up at 4 AM. No thank you, let me sleep a bit longer, please.
Oh well, it is what it is and today it’ll be light outside as I start my morning trek.
Thank you Eastern Standard Time, I appreciate it.
Peter and I have had a good weekend.
Walks, good foods and Xmas prep.
We went out to dinner on Saturday night. We headed for a restaurant in Reston Town Center that we have been curious about.
I was a bit apprehensive at first, I prefer staying at home and do my own cooking in my super cozy home. GAWD I am such a homebody, haha.
But alas, we went to Sixty Vines, and it was so nice and so cozy and I really enjoyed myself.
The food was AWESOME.
I had trout for my main course, Peter had a pasta dish.
We enjoyed really good appetizers as well.
One can try small pours of wine at this restaurant, too. Along with lots of bigger pours, and bottles, of course.
It was so nice sitting there sipping the wines away and Peter and I found a new favorite Cabernet Sauvignon. So fun.
Sunday was mostly work, cleaning windows, raking (blowing) a hell of a lot of leaves and prepping for Christmas.
So yes, now I can start my Christmas 2024.
Did I tell you that I have downloaded the app Readly for my Kindle?
Oh boy, is that a good app! On Readly, you’ll find almost every Swedish magazine there is, and a few daily newspapers as well. I can also find most of my American favorite magazines there as well.
A joy. A true joy! I can really recommend this app to my fellow Swedes abroad.
It costs me about 12 bucks a month. SO worth it.
I hardly want to talk about it. I am scared shitless for the outcome.
You know what I fear the most ...
You all also know what I want the outcome to be. I want the glass ceiling to shatter so loudly that you can hear it all the way in outer space.
Enough now, Enough.
Ja, jag har full förståelse för nervositeten...
Alla kloka människor vill ha en klok president. Ingen Trump, tack!
Idag får vi affirmera och sända alla goda tankar till att det går den väg de flesta i världen vill att det går. Lycka till Amerika!
Varma kramar!
Mysig helg ni hade och nu är allt färdigt för att skjutsa in julen. Ser också fram emot att få börja fixa lite hemma inför julen, men jag har ju nästan hela november att fixa med allt, ibland har vi kommit hem efter första advent och då blir det snärjigt, hi hi.
Även jag har börjat gilla vitt vin och CS är också det jag gillar bäst. Fortfarande är rött favoriten men lär mig tycka om vitt mer och mer..
Vi har ”partajat” 3 dagar på rad förra veckan så nu är det hemmakvällar till vi åker på torsdag. Troligtvis uteätande på onsdag för då har städerskan städat och då stänger jag köket för matlagning 😂.
Vi håller tummarna för att allt går bra i valet, och ingen galenpanna som president.
Många kramar skickar jag
Hoppas det försvinner som temperaturen visar en del plusgrader framöver.
Vill kunna cykla.
Bäst tänka på julen en dag som denna.