Good morning Tuesday!
After the wonderful trip to The OBX, we drove Karolina back to Elon.
Her spring break had ended. We had to part with each other.
The next time we’ll see our daughter again will be in the end of May when it is time to pick her up from college.
Can you guys believe that she is almost done with her first year?
I can’t!
Peter and I did not go home to Reston right away. No, we drove to Smith Mountain Lake in south-west Virginia.
Peter’s parents had rented a lake house there for a week. Unfortunately the parents could not make it on the this trip. BUT, Peter and I went. Peter’s sisters and their kids went as well.
SML is a beautiful, BIG (man made), deep lake.
The shores are peppered with lake houses. I am sure a lot of people live here all year as well. All of the houses surrounding the lake are not summer houses and rentals. A lot of them are permanent homes as well.
We stayed in a cute, comfortable house. Very nice.
It was right on the lake, western exposures.
Peter and I spent parts of the days hiking in the state park. There were a lot of walking trails there.
And, yes, nature is wonderful! I so appreciate the nature. That is key in life.
Just to walk in it, hike in it, breath it and discover it.
Well, just to be there. To be in the elements.
I am not religious. At all.
BUT, I feel a deep connection when it comes to nature. I feel somewhat religious when there. Actually, I guess you can say that nature is my religion.
The thing is, that I see more and more details in nature the older I get. It seems like I appreciate it more each year.
Lake vs. Ocean?
Where would I prefer to live?
The ocean. I love lake living, but the ocean owns my soul.
Nuff talking, let’s look at some pics from SML.
One evening (it was 68F, 20C) we made s'mores over an open fire. Very cozy!
And, yes, the kids swam in the lake despite the cold water(52F, 12C).
I did not swim, no I did not.
The weather during our stay was pretty good. If it had been a tad bit warmer, and a bit less windy, I might have jumped in myself as well.
Have a good Tuesday!!
After the wonderful trip to The OBX, we drove Karolina back to Elon.
Her spring break had ended. We had to part with each other.
The next time we’ll see our daughter again will be in the end of May when it is time to pick her up from college.
Can you guys believe that she is almost done with her first year?
I can’t!
Peter and I did not go home to Reston right away. No, we drove to Smith Mountain Lake in south-west Virginia.
Peter’s parents had rented a lake house there for a week. Unfortunately the parents could not make it on the this trip. BUT, Peter and I went. Peter’s sisters and their kids went as well.
SML is a beautiful, BIG (man made), deep lake.
The shores are peppered with lake houses. I am sure a lot of people live here all year as well. All of the houses surrounding the lake are not summer houses and rentals. A lot of them are permanent homes as well.
We stayed in a cute, comfortable house. Very nice.
It was right on the lake, western exposures.
Peter and I spent parts of the days hiking in the state park. There were a lot of walking trails there.
And, yes, nature is wonderful! I so appreciate the nature. That is key in life.
Just to walk in it, hike in it, breath it and discover it.
Well, just to be there. To be in the elements.
I am not religious. At all.
BUT, I feel a deep connection when it comes to nature. I feel somewhat religious when there. Actually, I guess you can say that nature is my religion.
The thing is, that I see more and more details in nature the older I get. It seems like I appreciate it more each year.
Lake vs. Ocean?
Where would I prefer to live?
The ocean. I love lake living, but the ocean owns my soul.
Nuff talking, let’s look at some pics from SML.
This was really a sight!! Cows on the run!! ON the road! A herd of cows "met" us as we drove towards the lake. Yes, they were on the run. I hope the farmer did not have too much trouble to find them again. Very funny! I have never seen running cows on the road like this before!!
The view from the deck of the lake house. Yes, very nice!!
The lake house seen from the dock by the water. It was a steep walkway up and down to the lake. A true workout!
The neighboring house. SO lovely!!!
Early morning view!
Peter and I like to hike. This picture is taken from the state park at SML. I am so glad we were able to explore more of this picture perfect area.
Yes, the mountain in the distance is Smith Mountain.
Pretty roads over pretty waters.
My kind of country road.
The beach at the state park. Empty now. In the summer it will be so crowded.
Love, love, love...
This is the front of the house. Yes, it is cute.
The lake is DEEP, 200 feet (60 meters). You could really tell. Outside "our" lake house it got deep right away. I do like deep lakes, and deep shores.
Boats were out all the time. We wished we have had a small boat with a small motor to putter around with.
A foot tree on Turtle Island!!
And the landscape! So rural, so pretty!! Like a dream! Cows, pastures, mountains, hills, trees, small lakes, rivers, creeks, valleys, farms, villages. I love it all!!
Take me home country roads! This Eastern Redbud is about to bloom!
The Forsythia in full bloom!
Summer houses and houses surround the entire lake.
Cute mail box!
One evening (it was 68F, 20C) we made s'mores over an open fire. Very cozy!
And, yes, the kids swam in the lake despite the cold water(52F, 12C).
I did not swim, no I did not.
The weather during our stay was pretty good. If it had been a tad bit warmer, and a bit less windy, I might have jumped in myself as well.
Have a good Tuesday!!
Stor kram!
Men att du inte tog ett vårdopp!
Naturligt cortison bildas i kroppen så du borde kanske ha passat på i alla fall ;).
Bilden på kossorna är extra härlig!
Själv är jag en sjömänniska, visst havet är fint, ken saltvatten o maneter är inte min grej... :)
Ha en bra vecka fina du!! KRAM Anna
Vilka fantastiska platser det verkar finnas hos er och runt omkring er!
Min längtan att flytta till USA blir inte mindre... ;-)
Och vad mysigt att åka lite sådär "off-season" (gissar jag att det är?) då det inte är så överbefolkat överallt :-)
Och sista bilden såg så mysig ut!
Nu blev jag nästan sugen att åka ut till stugan och grilla pinnbröd :-)
Förresten; "fot-trädet" på en av bilderna var fantastiskt coolt! Otroligt hur det kan bli just sådär...
Jag vill verkligen hoppa in i alla dina bilder du visat de här dagarna!!
Hoppas du får en fin tisdag!
MVH /Erica
Precis som du föredrar jag havet men sjöliv är inte heller fel. Mysigt.
Hoppas att du får en härlig tisdag!
TACK, det var härligt.
Ja, från hav till sjö.
Fina platser.
På OBX var det fantastiskt, och det fina med den platsen är att det även mitt i sommaren går att hitta ödeplatser. Älskar det stället.
Fyrar är verkligen en sort för sig, tycker så mkt om dem!
Hoppas att du och C kommer till The OBX en dag!
Tack Karin!!
Faktum är att jag ångrar lite att jag inte hoppade i, hihi!
Jag borde gjort det. Men det var inte tillräckligt varmt i luften. Fast nu tänker jag att jag borde...
Kossorna ja, så kul. Höll faktiskt på att nästan köra på dem. Bonden svor säkert sen då hen var tvungen att springa efter korna, hihi!!
TACK vännen!!
Ja, visst är sjöar fina också! Håller med. Älskar egentligen allt vatten.
OCH sjöar har fördelar, inga maneter och inga stora vågor. SÅNT gillar vi :-)
Ja, denna plats kändes mkt nordisk. Hela naturen sgs.
Älskar också vårljuset.
Ha en toppenvecka.
ÅÅÅÅ tack för dina supersnälla och fina ord.
Jag blir så glad.
Ja, det finns otroliga platser i detta land. OTROLIGA! OCH bara i staten jag bor i. DET är härligt.
Du får komma hit, Erica,
Roligt att du tycker så mkt om bilderna.
Off season ÄR härligt!
Annorlunda. Fint.
Ha en finfin dag!!
Ja, det var härligt!!
Jag är också en havsmänniska, men tackar inte nej till en sjö! :-)
Ha en fin dag!
Ja, det är vanligt. OCH ett måste under de tre sista somrarna på college. Då måsta man söka praktikplatser på de flesta linjer.
Det är väldigt vanligt att skolungdomar på HS har sommarjobb också, och extrajobb övh.
De allra flesta sommarjobbar, ja.
Otroligt att man har grävt hela den där stora sjön - sådant fascinerar mig.
Hoppas du får en fortsatt fin vecka!
Ja, det är verkligen konstigt. Håller med.
Hon har verkligen kul.
Delar av sjön floden Ranoake River, så jag antar att man liksom grävt ut den.
En reservoar.
Ha det så gott!
Thanks. Yes, it is lovely. And nature, yes, that is my element. The cows were FUNNY!! AND so on the run :-)
Och ja, tänk att K snart har klarat av sitt första år, det är inte klokt vad tiden går snabbt!
ÅÅÅ tack vännen! TACK!
Så roligt att du gillade.
Ja, bägge landskapen så fina. Och olika. De senaste som att vandra i en gammal Kalle Anka tidning, du vet. Berg och dalar och bondgårdar och kossor. Rena, rama idyllen.
Tiden går verkligen snabbt.