Good morning!
I still have my cold so I feel a bit un-inspired, if you will. Very low energy for me right now. Yesterday, I did not do much except to sit on the couch reading the paper, magazines and the book “Mocking jay” all day long. It does seem like it will be the same agenda today again.
Yes, it is boring and I really want to go out for a very fast and furious PW, but that’ll have to wait.
I want to photograph my early morning walk so that YOU, dear readers, can SEE it as well. The morning light, around 7:00 is SO beautiful!
It seems like the weather this week will be bad, though. I think we’ll get lots of rain. Again.
SO, since my brain is kind of hazy I’ll give you this “me-me list” today. I found it on Elisabeth’s blog, and I liked it. Here goes…
Are you punctual?
Yes, I am. I think it is a matter of respect to show up on time. If I am traveling somewhere I make sure we are at the airport/train station/or the dock, very early. Peter is the same way.
Are you in good form?
I have zero problems walking fast. I don’t mind long walks. Sometimes it feels like I could walk forever. But, I could not RUN a race of any kind. Running does not agree with me.
When was the last time you were photographed?
HAHA, I am usually the photographer. If I want to be in a picture I have to ASK someone to take a shot of me, or I have to use my tripod. That is the truth.
What color is the prominent one in your wardrobe?
Oh, I don’t know. I have a lot of clothes in a lot of different colors. In the wintertime I would say it is a gray, brown, black theme going on. In the summertime it is every color under the sun, more or less.
Did you have good evening yesteday?
Sure, but I wish I could kick the cold.
I watched a ton of new shows, suits me just fine, ya know.
Favorite morning beverage?
Tea. Always tea. Hot.
Can you cook?
Yes, I can. I like it, and I like to try new recipies. I especially like to cook more complicated meals on the weekends.
What time did you get out of bed today?
05:48, but Peter drove Karolina to school.
How much do you have to drink in order to get drunk?
Some question. It differs. But, I prefer not to get drunk. But, the buzz is nice to get. Oh, since you are wondering; I only drink on Friday and Saturday nights, but then I truly enjoy it without getting drunk.
How many hours a night do you sleep?
It differs; I don’t have the best sleep in the world. I rarely sleep thru the night. I can sometimes be awake in bed for hours. On a good night I might get 7 hours.
What was the last thing you said?
“Peter, read this article when you have a chance”.
Who do you call when you are angry or sad?
I’d talk to Peter.
What would you want right now?
Some good Swedish candy, without any point values at Weight Watchers. I can only dream…
Are your shoes nice?
Well, well...I think so. Right now I am just longing to wear boots again, and my boots are very sharp, in many ways.
Are you home alone right now?
No, Peter is working away in our home office as I write this.
What are you looking forward to the up-coming weekend?
I hope we can visit a vineyard. I would also like to pick some apples somewhere. I hope we are all healthy and fine by then. AND, I hope the weather will be NICE. It better BE!!!!
Have a very nice, an DRY, Tuesday!
I still have my cold so I feel a bit un-inspired, if you will. Very low energy for me right now. Yesterday, I did not do much except to sit on the couch reading the paper, magazines and the book “Mocking jay” all day long. It does seem like it will be the same agenda today again.
Yes, it is boring and I really want to go out for a very fast and furious PW, but that’ll have to wait.
I want to photograph my early morning walk so that YOU, dear readers, can SEE it as well. The morning light, around 7:00 is SO beautiful!
It seems like the weather this week will be bad, though. I think we’ll get lots of rain. Again.
SO, since my brain is kind of hazy I’ll give you this “me-me list” today. I found it on Elisabeth’s blog, and I liked it. Here goes…
Are you punctual?
Yes, I am. I think it is a matter of respect to show up on time. If I am traveling somewhere I make sure we are at the airport/train station/or the dock, very early. Peter is the same way.
Are you in good form?
I have zero problems walking fast. I don’t mind long walks. Sometimes it feels like I could walk forever. But, I could not RUN a race of any kind. Running does not agree with me.
When was the last time you were photographed?
HAHA, I am usually the photographer. If I want to be in a picture I have to ASK someone to take a shot of me, or I have to use my tripod. That is the truth.
What color is the prominent one in your wardrobe?
Oh, I don’t know. I have a lot of clothes in a lot of different colors. In the wintertime I would say it is a gray, brown, black theme going on. In the summertime it is every color under the sun, more or less.
Did you have good evening yesteday?
Sure, but I wish I could kick the cold.
I watched a ton of new shows, suits me just fine, ya know.
Favorite morning beverage?
Tea. Always tea. Hot.
Can you cook?
Yes, I can. I like it, and I like to try new recipies. I especially like to cook more complicated meals on the weekends.
What time did you get out of bed today?
05:48, but Peter drove Karolina to school.
How much do you have to drink in order to get drunk?
Some question. It differs. But, I prefer not to get drunk. But, the buzz is nice to get. Oh, since you are wondering; I only drink on Friday and Saturday nights, but then I truly enjoy it without getting drunk.
How many hours a night do you sleep?
It differs; I don’t have the best sleep in the world. I rarely sleep thru the night. I can sometimes be awake in bed for hours. On a good night I might get 7 hours.
What was the last thing you said?
“Peter, read this article when you have a chance”.
Who do you call when you are angry or sad?
I’d talk to Peter.
What would you want right now?
Some good Swedish candy, without any point values at Weight Watchers. I can only dream…
Are your shoes nice?
Well, well...I think so. Right now I am just longing to wear boots again, and my boots are very sharp, in many ways.
Are you home alone right now?
No, Peter is working away in our home office as I write this.
What are you looking forward to the up-coming weekend?
I hope we can visit a vineyard. I would also like to pick some apples somewhere. I hope we are all healthy and fine by then. AND, I hope the weather will be NICE. It better BE!!!!
Have a very nice, an DRY, Tuesday!
Hoppas förkylningen går över snart. Det jobbigaste som finns är ju när man är sjuk men ändå tänker på alla saker man skulle vilja göra! Hoppas du kan ta din PW snart så vi får se din fina morgon! :)
Roligt att du tyckte det...
Ja, dena förkylning ja...det blir ju lätt lite trist och enahanda då man sitter under husarrest en hel dag...
Blir nog inga PW-bilder denna vecka. Det ska visst bara regna...
Men jag hoppas ju att at jag kommer ut ändå. Ingen PW idag, that is for sure... :-(
HAHA, tack!!
Ja, just det.
Ja, jag kan minsann vara hazy andra dagar också, men i förkylningstider är det extra dimmigt...
Riktigt rolig lista förresten! :D
Sådant är alltid perfekt att ta till när blogginspirationen tryter :)
Tänkte höra om det är okej om jag lånar den?
MVH /Erica
Hoppas nu att du snart kryar på dig!
Trist är det, ska strax gå och knyta mig ett slag då nattsömnen (surprise) ej var den bästa.
LÅNA på du!!
DET är ju bara skitkul om ngn annan tar listan.
Ska komma och kolla sen!
JA, de är ju det.
Orkade inte komma på ngt klokare idag...
OCH inga roliga bilder har jag heller.
OCH nu ska det bara regna fram till fredag...ACK JA!!
Tack, imorrn hoppas jag verkligen att jag kommer UT!!
Krya på dig kram!!
Roligt med listor, man lär känna varandra på ett annat sätt.
Krya på dig snabbt-kram!
Krya på dig nu vännen!! Mycket te med halstablett i var det någon väldigt klok person som lärde mig var bra!
OCH dig!!
Du ligger ju också för ankar.
DET hoppas jag med.
Listor är perfekta att ta till då hjärnan är luddig.
Roligt att det gillades, jag tycker också att man lär sig massor om personen bakom bloggen.
Tack Karin!!
Ja, vi är verkligen många som ligger med förkylningar.
BRA att du är bättre, och att NI alla mår bättre.
Vädret är ju så trööööökigt, det bara regnar och regnar och skall så göra resten av veckan...
Aja, lika bra att det ine är sol då man har husarrest iaf.
HIHI, just det, Saltis, halstabletter i te är tricket ;-)
Kramar och feel better!!!
Kul att du tycker det. Listor fyller ofta sin funktion då huvudet är trött...
Regnet suger...
och skall fortsätta tom lördag, men suck...
Glad att du är hemma igen!!
Hoppas att vädret blir bättre! Det borde det bli här också!
Ja, listor är BRA!!
Gillar dem också!! De är speciellt bra att ta till vid hjärnsläpp.
Ja, den fuktiga värmen har återkommit hut också, som väntat. Men mulet och regnigt är det.
Ja, jag gillade listan, så tack för att du hade den på in blogg :-)
Lustigt det där med att promenera att det går att göra det i oändlighet, men sen kan jag knappt springa 200 meter...
Mulet och fuktigt nu. Solen kommer på lördag.
Fishermans Friend ja!! DET var länge sen jag såg en sådan påse. Tror inte att de finns här.
Ja, bråda dagar på Manhattan!! HOPPAS jag kommer upp. Är inte helt 100 :-(
It should be better by this weekend. Today might be a bit better than yesterday.
Yes, the fall is the best time here in our area.