Let's take a look at 2010 in pictures...
We came back from Sweden on the second of January last year. We had a fantastic time there with my family (celebrating Christmas and New Year's). The weather was perfect, just perfect. Snow, ice and cold day after cold day. It was perfect "Annika-weather".
When back in DC again, we had both mild days, and snowy days, as you can see here...
I wonder how this January is going to be?
Karolina was busy with theatre sports and drama.
A cross country skiier on the golf course, so nice. And, I love when the golf course is covered in snow.
I bought tulips left and right. I love them, and they fit so well in the wintertime. Promises of spring...
The weather was very cold during parts of the month. It was so cold that the bottles I had on the deck exploded.
But, we also had the typical Washington winter days, mild (around 5 degrees C) and grey...
February was brutal weather wise. We had the "snowmaggedon" and the "snowcalypse". I named the storms Mega-Åke and Rune. It was EPIC. I don't think I have ever seen so much snow before, and it all fell in less than 24 hours. The schools were closed for over a week! We missed the super bowl party because we were totally snowed in. I loved every moment of it, and my camera had to work overtime!
This is right outside my home. SO much snow!!
So many cars on our street suffered. It took days to dig them out. This is not our car, thank God...
This is the main road outside our neighborhood. It looked like a country road. It was so pretty, but so impossible to drive on.
The kids and I had a BLAST in the snow!!
And, I watched the Olympics every chance I got!! Sweden did so good, and I screamed and cried for them!! I love the Olympics!!
A TRUE whiteout when the second blizzard, Rune, hit us...
I bought daffodils as soon as I had an opportunity. I love them, they are so beautiful and they smell SO good!!
And, so it was spring! I turned 44 (oh sigh), we went out to celebrate. Winter gave away to true spring. I sat out on the deck more and more reading and sometimes I was even blogging from the outside.
True spring hits Washington, with a heat wave in the very beginning of the month. We had 33 degrees C, and it was so warm all of a sudden. Too hot in April, for sure. But it did not last more than maybe five days, and then it gave way for more normal temperatures. We were downtown watching the cherry blossoms, so lovely!
Eastern Redbuds were blooming everywhere.
And, the cherry blossoms in DC are to die for. IF you are planning a trip to DC. Come in April!
This is how green the golf course was on Peter's birthday, the 25th of April.
Karolina had the part of Kelsi Nielsen in High school musical. The kids were fantastic!!
Spring time giving way for summer!
We had Saltis and her family here for a long weekend. It was so much fun having them here, and showing them around both Northern Virginia and DC.
We also had our annual yard sale, and we had the Relay for Life.
May is just such a beautiful month!
We had a good dinner on our deck, and I believe the weather was stunning the entire time.
Relay for Life here in Reston
Our annual yardsale where all the proceeds go straight to the Cancer society. I had a get-together here and made Swedish shrimp sandwishes. SO good!!
WE went to Myrtle Beach., South Carolina, for almost a week.
Karolina graduated from middle school, and we spent a weekend in Willamsburg, VA. We spent a hot day at Busch Gardens, and an even hotter day at Water Country USA.
At the end of the month, Karolina and I took off for Sweden.
In Williamsburg at Busch Gardens.
Karolina is ready for the end-of-the-year dance.
Stockholm, beauty on water.
We were in Närpes, in our summer house. The best place on earth!
Great weather, great memories, and a great beloved grandma who's with us most of the time even though she has turned 92. But you'd never guess!!
My mom, dad and grandma!!
We were still in Finland.
But, we're returning to Stockholm in the middle of the month, and later on Karolina and I headed back to the US
Peter and I celebrated our 17th anniversary at Chez Francois in Great Falls.
The summer lingered on. But it really is fall.
The fall is the best time here in the DC area, in my opinion.
Karolina started high school, and Peter and I took a lot of weekend trips to wineries etc.
Torrential downpour
Grapes at Bluemount.
Karolina starts ninth grade, high school.
The real fall starts.
We had the annual cray fish party ( a bit late) with all my Swedish friends and husbands.
Karolina's school had homecoming.
We had visitors for two weeks! My sister and her family were here. SO great!
And, it it was Halloween, of course!!
A bit cold at Skyline Drive...
Cousins and sisters.
Shopping in Tysons...
This month just flied away. I have no idea what happened to it. My sister and her family left, it was Thanksgiving, Thanksgiving day parade and I decked my house for Christmas.
Just beautiful fall days...
Precis, jag gör min egen kalender varje år via My Publisher, och då tar jag bilder från varje månad. KUL är det!!
Ja, jag ska nog inte klaga över det iaf. Vädrets växlingar ja...de är ganska extrema här. Skulle gärna ta en repris av vintern 10 om det gick :) men tror itne det blir så!
Ha de gott!
Jättekul att läsa och roligt med alla fina bilder också!
KUL att du gillade det hela.
Vissa bilder har du säkert sett på blogge förr.
Jamenvistt gick året fort. SÅ fort!
HIHI, roligt om det känns så levande!!
Absolut, the kite festival och the cherry bloom festival är alltid samtidigt, så du var absolut här då!
Visst är det vackert!! Ja. jag har otalioga bilder av körsbärsblommorna. Finaste tiden på året sköhetsmässigt.
KUL att du gillade att läsa detta.
Jadu, i fjol var det vinter. tror itne det blir så iår, men lite snödagar hoppas jag på. Totalt tvärtemot dig :)
Ja, det är ett ganska bra sett att göra det på då man sammanfattar dt i bilder. Jag kategoriserar mina bilder efter månad också, så dt blir lite lättare då.
TACK, kul att du gillade inlägget.
och återigen TACK för den underbara helgen vi hade hos er i våras!!! SÅ HÄRLIGT! Vi hoppas kunna komma tillbaka till er och hälsa på igen så småningom!
Men ni kommer ju till NYC också. Var det i maj?
Varma (eller kanske ska man skicka lite kyliga snöiga till dig?) Kramar!!!
Ja, jag är också en stor fan av dessa krönikor. Tycker det är bästa sättet!
Jag minns tack vare bilderna, och tack vare dagboken. men i detta inlägg gick jag bara efter bilderna.
Ja, det var så kul när ni kom hit!! NI FÅR KOMMA IGEN NÄR NI VILL!!!
NYC ja, jo vi kommer kanske upp. Men vi har ev en annan resa på g, lite längre bort. SÅ vi får se, men jag skulle gärna vilja till NYC!! SOm du vet!!
Skivcka du snöiga kramar ;-) Jag hoppas på snö, vettu!!
KRAMAR i massor tillbaka!!
Ett härligt år 2010 med massor av fina ögonblick med vänner och familj. HOppas att 2011 blir minst lika bra och det blir det nog.
Kram och god fortsättning på nya året!
Ett helt år! och nu har vi ett nytt! Härligt!
Finfina bilder! Jättekul idé!
Kram kram
Jag börjar verkligen längta efter våren och sommaren nu när jag ser dina fantastiska bilder. Inte för att jag ogillar vintern men det ser ju allt för härligt ut med sol och värme.
God fortsättning på 2011
Ja, det var så fint då de var här!!!
Ja, det tycker jag också att det är! Älskar att läsa sådana på bloggarna.
Körsbärsträden är som en dröm!
Ja, det var roligt, men tidskrävande, att ta itu med detta inlägg.
Ja, vi hade sjukt mkt snö i fjol. Jag hoppas det ka bli ngt liknande iår. JAG skulle bli så glad!!
TACK, jag hoppas också att 2011 ska bli lika bra.
Visst gick det fort!
Du får gärna ta efter ideen om du vill.
KUL att du tyckte om bilderna.
Det ät minst sagt tidskrävande att göra ett sådant här inlägg, men roligt är det.
Boklistan gillade jag.
Thank you. Yes, I hope 2011 will be much of the same!
TACK! ja, det är kul att göra dessa inlägg. OCH att läsa dessa inlägg hos andra.
Ta gärna efter :-)
Jag längtar inte till vare sig vår eller sommar ännu. Nu vill jag ha vinter :-)
Ja, det är kul att göra dessa inlägg, men tidskrävande. SÅ gör det innan den lilla tittar ut!!! Nej, jag längtar inte till varken våren eller sommaren. NU vill jag ha vinter :-)