Tuesday again. It seems like time is flying. If it isn’t the Tuesday English entry; it is the Friday themed ”Show and Tell”. The weeks fly…
Where does time go?
I don’t understand where the fall went. One day the leaves were green, the next they were all on the ground. Where did all the beautiful fall colors go? They seem to have passed me by this year.
Now the sky is fairly gray; all the leaves are gone and the weather is chilly. If you’ve been following my blog you know that I don’t mind said weather the slightest bit…
Lots of vampires around right now…
Another one of my friends has watched “Let the Right One In”---She loved it!! And guys, it is probably the best vampire movie around. If you have a chance; GO SEE it!! It is so much more than a vampire story. It is a story about deep friendship, and love, and bullies and tweens.
Keep in mind that it is written by a school mate of mine, and that everything takes place in the suburb where I went to school, Blackeberg.
The next vampire movie in waiting is “Twilight”. I have not read the (wildly popular) books, and I am not dying to read them either. They’re not up my alley, so to speak. If it has some kind of hysterical Harry Potter effect to it … then no, I have zero interest. Easy as that.
BUT, it is written for teenagers, and Karolina LOVED the first book. She wants to go see the movie as soon as it gets out. We’ll see about that since we are heading up to our BELOVED New York City on Friday! NYC!! Here we come!!
I cannot wait!
“Twilight”, on the other hand, has to wait. I’ll watch it with Karolina at some point, but it can wait.
I feel bad for my American readers using Google Translate on my Swedish posts during the week. Poor you! I know a few of you use it on an almost daily basis. That has got to be the worst translating service ever! When I read what I wrote in Swedish translated into English, it is a PURE joke. It is the worst of the worst both word-wise and grammar-wise…
I sound like a moron in those posts, hahaha!!
No, Google…get a grip, or close down your translation service.
If you are very lucky you can sort of figure out what my posts are about…But it takes patience…
And Christmas is coming…And it is approaching FAST! I cannot believe that Thanksgiving is in LESS than two weeks!
I have not bought a single gift yet. Nor will I buy a heck of a lot either. In my Swedish family we draw names so each adult buys a present for another adult. It works great. All the kids get presents; they do not partake in the lottery.
In my American family, I think we are foregoing Christmas gifts for the adults this year. And that is fine. Just fine. It makes it easier in so many ways. Yes, we’ll buy something for all the kids in the family, of course.
How about you? What is the tradition in your family when it comes to gift giving? And how ‘bout this year? Are you buying a lot of gifts? Or, are you cutting back?
Today I am off to see a new (for me), and widely popular hair dresser. It took me over two months to get an appointment with her! And today’s the day! I am so CURIOUS what she will do with my hair. I have great expectations and hope I will not be disappointed. I might be, I know…
Have a great Tuesday!
Tuesday again. It seems like time is flying. If it isn’t the Tuesday English entry; it is the Friday themed ”Show and Tell”. The weeks fly…
Where does time go?
I don’t understand where the fall went. One day the leaves were green, the next they were all on the ground. Where did all the beautiful fall colors go? They seem to have passed me by this year.
Now the sky is fairly gray; all the leaves are gone and the weather is chilly. If you’ve been following my blog you know that I don’t mind said weather the slightest bit…
Lots of vampires around right now…
Another one of my friends has watched “Let the Right One In”---She loved it!! And guys, it is probably the best vampire movie around. If you have a chance; GO SEE it!! It is so much more than a vampire story. It is a story about deep friendship, and love, and bullies and tweens.
Keep in mind that it is written by a school mate of mine, and that everything takes place in the suburb where I went to school, Blackeberg.
The next vampire movie in waiting is “Twilight”. I have not read the (wildly popular) books, and I am not dying to read them either. They’re not up my alley, so to speak. If it has some kind of hysterical Harry Potter effect to it … then no, I have zero interest. Easy as that.
BUT, it is written for teenagers, and Karolina LOVED the first book. She wants to go see the movie as soon as it gets out. We’ll see about that since we are heading up to our BELOVED New York City on Friday! NYC!! Here we come!!
I cannot wait!
“Twilight”, on the other hand, has to wait. I’ll watch it with Karolina at some point, but it can wait.
I feel bad for my American readers using Google Translate on my Swedish posts during the week. Poor you! I know a few of you use it on an almost daily basis. That has got to be the worst translating service ever! When I read what I wrote in Swedish translated into English, it is a PURE joke. It is the worst of the worst both word-wise and grammar-wise…
I sound like a moron in those posts, hahaha!!
No, Google…get a grip, or close down your translation service.
If you are very lucky you can sort of figure out what my posts are about…But it takes patience…
And Christmas is coming…And it is approaching FAST! I cannot believe that Thanksgiving is in LESS than two weeks!
I have not bought a single gift yet. Nor will I buy a heck of a lot either. In my Swedish family we draw names so each adult buys a present for another adult. It works great. All the kids get presents; they do not partake in the lottery.
In my American family, I think we are foregoing Christmas gifts for the adults this year. And that is fine. Just fine. It makes it easier in so many ways. Yes, we’ll buy something for all the kids in the family, of course.
How about you? What is the tradition in your family when it comes to gift giving? And how ‘bout this year? Are you buying a lot of gifts? Or, are you cutting back?
Today I am off to see a new (for me), and widely popular hair dresser. It took me over two months to get an appointment with her! And today’s the day! I am so CURIOUS what she will do with my hair. I have great expectations and hope I will not be disappointed. I might be, I know…
Have a great Tuesday!
Hoppas, hoppas att det blir bra!
Tralli dalli dill .. :D
KUL..har ni snackar ngt om Ajvide Lindkvist?
Intressant ämne, måste jag säga...
JAMEN VISST!! Detta är en populär frisör, och jag har sett henne IN ACTION. Hon klipper enormt bra. Vi får se om hon lyckas med mig. JAG tror det inte förrän jag ser det...
Julklappar ja... det blir nog inte många julklappar i år eftersom vi ska fira själva :-( Jag kanske skickar något litet till familjen men de får nog annars vänta tills vi kommer hem i februari. Mina föräldrar har redan skickat långa listor på outletshopping (10 par kalsonger till min pappa från CK ;-)) - det gäller ju att passa på när vi har gratis flytt till Europa (frågan är ju fort vart...).
Kram och lycka till hos frissan!!
HAHA, det beror på resultatet ;-)
Petra H:
Vi ska bara upp endast för att det är så kul att vara i NYC.
Ska träffa Petra och Saltis o äta frulle med dom på lördag. Sedan ska vi,P, jag och K se Wicked på lördagkväll..
Precis, lika bra att vänta med klapparna tills ni kommer hem. Tänk att ni åker så snart...
Undrar just var i Europa ni kommer att hamna? Så spännande det ska bli att följa.
Ja, och självklart kommer du att besöka alla outlets innan du drar hem...Tihi!
GULP..Det hoppas jag också...Poppis är hon iallafall...
Hoppas nu att du blir nöjd med ditt nya hår!
hoppas frisyren blir fin!
Åh vad spännande med en ny frisör,hoppas att du blivit nöjd.
Hur brukar ni fira T-giving. Kör ni traditionellt med Peters familj eller?
Jo, jag känner igen snacket; vi ska dra ner...bla, bla..
Men sen blir det inte så iallfall.
Med vännerna har jag slutat byta klappar.
OH I am sure you are happy that you don't have to use Google Translate on Tuesdays---
Sonds good with your gift exchange...
Ska bli så kul med NYC. Ska träffa Petra Sporty och Saltis.
Hösten liksom bara försvann...Bort, väck...Konstigt.
Ja, det får väl duga för dom stackarna i brist på annat :-)
Tack jag är nöjd med håret.
Ja, alla barn ska få klappar. ABSOLUT!!
Det är det viktigaste. Peter o jag köper också till varandra.
KUL att dina fldrar kommer!! Jättekul!!
Du får nog se en bild, eller två imorrn :-)
Jag köper till alla barn i familjen plus till Peter och dom som finns med i lotteriet.
Jag tycker om att julhandla bara jag slipper trängas. Jag kan ju åka under veckan så det funkar bra.
Vi firar t-giving trad hos Peters syster. Jag längtar efter den maten, mums.
Men jag köpte den eftersom jag fått höra att den skulle vara jättebra.
Kanske ska jag läsa den då...?!
Och du det där med att Peter och karolina ska sitta vid annat bord. VARFÖR DET???
Mats kommer att komma. Och Ella. JAG vill gärna träffa peter och definitivt Karolina igen!!! Så om inte du eller de, har ngt emot det så vore det bara roligt om de satt med oss! Eller är det så att du vill prata svenska och känner dig begränsad för att peter är med???
Äsch, jag tycker de ska äta med oss! basta! MEN jag respekterar självklart ifall de inte vill utan hellre har en frulle på tu man hand.
ska bli sååå kul att ses!!!!!!
Och JA ta med varma kläder!
DU är gullig!!!!
Vi får se ang Peter o K...Men jag tror att Peter tycker att vi ska kunna kackla på svenska.
Kanske blir det så att dom går efter en stund och vi svenskor kan kackla på ett tag till.
men TACK, Saltis!! Vi får se! Jag gläder mig...
Mina svägerskor är tokiga i Twilight...Det verkar vara den nya Harry potter hysterin. LÄS!! Jag har boken härhemma också men jag tvekar så jag GÖR!!!
(vi är ännu kvar på 1700-talet :)
Får jag låna din Eileen?
Ja, jag skickar Eileen till Götet på ett litet besök :-)
TACK, vad GLAD jag blir över dina snälla ord!!
Hoppas du fortsätter att läsa!!
JAMEN; om du inte varit där sen 93 så finns en massa nytt och kul...Jag tror heller aldrig att man lyckas se allt. Jag har ännu inte lyckats...långt därifrån...
Kolla mitt inlägg idag, måmdag, och kolla sen morgondagens. Där finns nog lite tips :-)