Morning, Glories!!!
This will be totally random today…
You know, some posts tend to be just that – very random…
One week left! Only one week until Election Day! How will it go? I cannot help but worry about the Bradley effect. I am so scared that we will see McPain as president in the end. Actually I am dreading it. Most people seem to think that Obama has it (the presidency) in a bag, but I am not so sure. Not yet…
The Swedish papers are stock full with articles and reports from the US election. The US presidential election is something that concerns the entire world, and I think it is safe to say that the whole continent of Europe is backing Obama.
This is a recent poll from one of the biggest newspapers in Sweden. Out of 11,527 readers on, 84% are backing Obama; only 10% want McCain. We’ll see…like the Swedish saying goes, “you should NOT shout ‘hi’ until you have crossed the creek.” Regardless of how it all goes I will be happy when this whole thing (election) is over. In a way I am sick and tired to read about it. I am sick of all the (mean) ads on TV where the candidates bash each other…I am simply sick and tired! Let it be Nov, 4 already!
The only fun thing is SNL and their skits :-) The cast of SNL nails it every time! Like the latest where Will Farrell portrays the Bush man!
Random is as random does!!
Yesterday we had our Swedish breakfast over at Sara’s in nearby Broadlands. Lotta and I drove together as we always do. The weather turned more and more gray and windier by the minute. We had a fun breakfast as always. Sara’s parents are here visiting from northern Sweden. They always stay for about three months when they visit.
Lucky Sara, her parents help her with everything. Her dad is fixing loads of things around the house and in the garden; same with her Mom. I wish that my parents could come here and do the same. That would be lovely!!
We were all chatting away around the breakfast table and Sara’s dad was talking about a job he used to have in Umeå ( a fairly big University town in northern Sweden). It just so happens that my brother Gunnar and his wife Kinn live in Umeå. Sara’s Dad talked about a girl he used to work with, a girl with a fairly unusual name. A name that I have heard mentioned from Gunnar and Kinn LOTS of times. I texted my bro right away to see if this was the same girl, and sure enough, the girl Sara’s Dad knows so well, and speak so highly of, is one of Gunnar and Kinn’s best friends. A small world, indeed!
Lotta and I drove home together after the breakfast, and by then it was even colder. We were spotting some snowflakes while we were driving. This is nuts! On Sunday it was around 70 (21 C) degrees, and then yesterday it was 42 (5 C)!! Anyway, Lotta and I stopped at our favorite grocery store, Wegman’s, on our way home. Lotta had to get a few things, and I tagged along.
And then, yes we lost ourselves in the Christmas aisle where they had the most beautiful display of Christmas decorations. Lotta and I were “O:ing” and “A:ing” over everything we saw…Yup, we are a dangerous combination come shopping. In the end both Lotta and I walked out from Wegman’s with several stars, Santas, snowmen and Christmas Angels…Oh yes, I almost forgot---Lotta bought some sandwich meat as well.
Yes, what can i say???
JEEEZ, guys, it is NOT EVEN HALLOWEEN yet and Yours Truly is buying Christmas decorations! I am so weak and so sentimental for that season so it is so damn hard for me to resist.
Oh yes, I do have so much Xmas stuff already that I could probably afford to give away half of my stuff. But, what is a girl to do?...
Needless to say to shop with Lotta is about as bad as it is shopping with Karolina; we push each other to the limit :-)
It is not even Halloween yet, but Christmas is all around. At least in the stores…
Speaking of Halloween! I bought my Halloween costume on Saturday!! Yee haw!! I’ll be a scariest creature of the night come Saturday. You guys will have to wait until Monday to see my costume, and then I promise you to show you loads of pics from the big Halloween party…
And now it is time for my power walk…
Have a very good Tuesday!!
This will be totally random today…
You know, some posts tend to be just that – very random…
One week left! Only one week until Election Day! How will it go? I cannot help but worry about the Bradley effect. I am so scared that we will see McPain as president in the end. Actually I am dreading it. Most people seem to think that Obama has it (the presidency) in a bag, but I am not so sure. Not yet…
The Swedish papers are stock full with articles and reports from the US election. The US presidential election is something that concerns the entire world, and I think it is safe to say that the whole continent of Europe is backing Obama.
This is a recent poll from one of the biggest newspapers in Sweden. Out of 11,527 readers on, 84% are backing Obama; only 10% want McCain. We’ll see…like the Swedish saying goes, “you should NOT shout ‘hi’ until you have crossed the creek.” Regardless of how it all goes I will be happy when this whole thing (election) is over. In a way I am sick and tired to read about it. I am sick of all the (mean) ads on TV where the candidates bash each other…I am simply sick and tired! Let it be Nov, 4 already!
The only fun thing is SNL and their skits :-) The cast of SNL nails it every time! Like the latest where Will Farrell portrays the Bush man!
Random is as random does!!
Yesterday we had our Swedish breakfast over at Sara’s in nearby Broadlands. Lotta and I drove together as we always do. The weather turned more and more gray and windier by the minute. We had a fun breakfast as always. Sara’s parents are here visiting from northern Sweden. They always stay for about three months when they visit.
Lucky Sara, her parents help her with everything. Her dad is fixing loads of things around the house and in the garden; same with her Mom. I wish that my parents could come here and do the same. That would be lovely!!
We were all chatting away around the breakfast table and Sara’s dad was talking about a job he used to have in Umeå ( a fairly big University town in northern Sweden). It just so happens that my brother Gunnar and his wife Kinn live in Umeå. Sara’s Dad talked about a girl he used to work with, a girl with a fairly unusual name. A name that I have heard mentioned from Gunnar and Kinn LOTS of times. I texted my bro right away to see if this was the same girl, and sure enough, the girl Sara’s Dad knows so well, and speak so highly of, is one of Gunnar and Kinn’s best friends. A small world, indeed!
Lotta and I drove home together after the breakfast, and by then it was even colder. We were spotting some snowflakes while we were driving. This is nuts! On Sunday it was around 70 (21 C) degrees, and then yesterday it was 42 (5 C)!! Anyway, Lotta and I stopped at our favorite grocery store, Wegman’s, on our way home. Lotta had to get a few things, and I tagged along.
And then, yes we lost ourselves in the Christmas aisle where they had the most beautiful display of Christmas decorations. Lotta and I were “O:ing” and “A:ing” over everything we saw…Yup, we are a dangerous combination come shopping. In the end both Lotta and I walked out from Wegman’s with several stars, Santas, snowmen and Christmas Angels…Oh yes, I almost forgot---Lotta bought some sandwich meat as well.
Yes, what can i say???
JEEEZ, guys, it is NOT EVEN HALLOWEEN yet and Yours Truly is buying Christmas decorations! I am so weak and so sentimental for that season so it is so damn hard for me to resist.
Oh yes, I do have so much Xmas stuff already that I could probably afford to give away half of my stuff. But, what is a girl to do?...
Needless to say to shop with Lotta is about as bad as it is shopping with Karolina; we push each other to the limit :-)
It is not even Halloween yet, but Christmas is all around. At least in the stores…
Speaking of Halloween! I bought my Halloween costume on Saturday!! Yee haw!! I’ll be a scariest creature of the night come Saturday. You guys will have to wait until Monday to see my costume, and then I promise you to show you loads of pics from the big Halloween party…
And now it is time for my power walk…
Have a very good Tuesday!!
Är lite nyfiken. Är du medborgare? Får du rösta?
Tycker du?? Jag tycker det vimlar av otroligt mkt snyggt pynt här...Drösvis!! Du kommer att få se... :-D Här finns ALLT, och lite till.
NEJ; jag har inte fått ändan UR...jag är INTE medborgare och får INTE rösta. Det suger...
Jag hoppas också på Obama och inte McPain!!!
Just nu börjar jag faktiskt längta till julen.....NK har öppnat sin julavdelning och snart kommer Stockholm att glittra i all julbelysning.
Men först ska det bli spännande att få se allt om Halloween
här på din blogg.
Ha det gott!
Kramar i massor
Visst ÄR det. Nyligen var jg på en US-bloggares blogg och så visade det sig att jag kände igen henne. Hon har varit hemma hos mig, och jag har varit hemma hos henne ngn ggn i slutet av 90 talet. SÅ komiskt!!!
SÅ kan det gå.
Världen är liten.
DU slog mig!! Att du gjorde!
Julen är så underbart mysig. Jag är en sådan som kan längta efter julen i juni, hahaha!!
Snart blir det glitter överallt. Men Halloween först:-)
Jättekul sketch från SNL, som jag nog aldrig sett "live"! Will Farrell är ju bara så bra som GWB, och på tal om presidenten - har W kommit upp på biograferna i VA? Den verkar inte visas i PR, vilket är tråkigt för jag vill jättegärna se den!
Blev det mer snö?
Jag börjar längta till december och julen. Det blir så mycket ljusare då. Kanske inte av snö men av ljusstakar och stjärnor som lyser upp i våra fönster.
Angående valet i USA så kan jag bara hålla med dig. Aldrig kan man vara säker. Men jag håller tummarna för att du får som du vill.
REALLY weird weather yesterday. Today, too...
Guess we¨'ll have much of the same tomorrow.
I know, I think it is so funnt with Saras dad and G and K's friend.
Visst är världen liten...det tycker jag också.
Lustigt som i ditt fall också.
Ja, jag tycker det är rätt knäppt att ta ut segern redan nu vad gäller valet. Washington Post slrev en artikel om att republikanska partiet kan tacka för sig nu. Herregud, vi har inte sett valdagen. jag tror det när jag verkligen SER det!!
Petra H:
ATT vi borde, köpa nytt hus alltså...jag måste få plats med alla prylar, hahahahaha!!!
KUL att din samling växer, Petra!!
Ja, visst är Will F så himla bra som Bush. SNL sketchen är bara för HIMLA BRA!!!
Jo, W går på bio här...tror den är bra. Har inte sett den. Väntar på dvd:n tror jag.
NÄ, ingen snö...Men idag igben är det BRA kyligt och blååååsigt.
Jajamän! Nu börjar butikerna så sakteliga fyllas av pynt. Så fort Halloween är över brakar det till i alla butiker och julen får råda fullt ut...Ganska mysigt.
men jag pyntar inte upp förrän efter Thanksgiving som är sista torsdagen i nov. När T-giving är slut DÅ är det fritt fram :-)))
Vi ska hoppas att valet går vägen!
Ha ha så du har redan börjat handla juldekorationer. Ja de kom tidigt ute i butikerna. På Costco har de redan haft juldekorationer framme i flera veckor.Ah så du har nu till slut fixat halloween kostym. Jag ser med spänning fram emot måndag för att få se bilder på denna. Du är minnsan lika hemlighetsfull som jag ;-)
Vädret kan verkligen vara helknasigt med snabba vändingar under vår och höst. Här har det slagit om och blivit rejält kallt idag, brrr! Jag har fått ta fram vinterjackan imorse för att hålla mig varm. Det var nämligen bara +5 celcius! Ha en bra dag med snöflingor och allt.
Inte långt kvar nu. Du och jag hade samma tema idag, och det var lite kul!
Exakt, Desiree...Vi lägger ut våra kostymer på måndagsbloggen, du och jag. Lite hemlighetsmakeri är bara kul ;-)
SVINKALLT här idag, och såååååå blååååsigt...Det lär ska bli samma imorrn. Nåja, jag klär på mig ordentligt så är det ingen fara under PW---
Jag träffade en tjej från min lilla by när jag var i Melbourne. Ett kort möte på gatan så där. :D
Jättefina julsaker. Kanske borde investera i nått mer själv men de har inte lika söta saker här som i Sverige. Här är det en massa religiösa grejs kan jag tänka mig.
Jag är jättenyfiken på din Hallloween dress!
Ska bli spännande att se.
Haha, jaså, juldekorationer redan : ) Jag har hört talas om ett ställe där de tillverkar jättefina glasgrejor till jul, ska försöka ta mig dit och shoppa lite, men det får bli senare. Nu får det dröja ett tag med fler äventyr på stan, nu ska det jobbas!
Visst är det en liten värld, så lustigt, SÅ lustigt att du stötte ihop med en tjej från din by när du var på andra sidan jorden. Men sånt händer.
Här finns en UPPSJÖ av pynt. Och efter Halloween kommer affärerna att explodera av det.
Hihi, på måndag får du se kostymen här på bloggen :-)
Visst är det en otroligt BRA sketch det där!
Ja, jag tror nog ingenting förrän det är över, jag. Törst inte.
Låter spännande med glaspyntet.
Ha en bra dag!
Visst är den fin!! Å, jag kommer att bli knäpp innan januari över allt fint som finns!!
Ha det jättebra!!