So yes, you do get used to the regular life again. You do adjust, even if it takes a while and it gets harder and harder over the years when you actually think it should get easier and easier to re-adjust.
But now I have adjusted, and I am back in the US again with both body and mind. All good, all fine, and as you all know I like it a lot here!
Karolina is getting ready to start Middle School and I am probably more nervous than she is. All is so new and foreign to me and to her of course.
It will be hard to get the little lady out of bed in the mornings, SO VERY HARD. Middle School starts at 7:20 and that is quite a difference from elementary school where she started at 9:15.
Hmmm…it will be a struggle to get up in the mornings for her. Oh, and I have to start a new routine as well. I was so used to taking my walks after I dropped Karolina off at school. Now I either have to take a walk at 7:30 AM or wait until my “regular time”. Time will tell. I am sure it will work itself out.
Power walks I need, for crying out loud. Power walks and Wii fit!! I have gained weight over the summer. Yes that is what happens when you pig out on food, candy, coffee cakes, drinks and the best bread in the world. Scandinavia does not do a body good…there is way too much delicious food there, way too much.
When in Finland, you would think I would go out for long walks daily but I don’t…I just hang around the houses, take the car or the bike. LAZY ass me!! When in Stockholm it is easier to walk around, it just happens naturally.
We finally got the hold of a Wii Fit. Peter purchased it when we were up north, and it waited for us when we got back. I have to say it is pretty fun, and a good complement to your regular exercises. You can do quite a lot on Wii fit; kick boxing, step aerobics, yoga etc. Oh, and plus that it keeps track of your weight and BMI, and it gives you your virtual wii age. YES, it does, so far so good for me….I have scored 36 and 39 years old.
But to simply rely on Wii fit as your sole exercise, I would not recommend. I don’t think it will help you lose weight or get more active, but a good complement it is, to the real thing.
My sister-in-law is a power house when it comes to exercising. She is out Nordic walking every day for over an hour, she does yoga and Pilates and she is in a very good shape!! When she’s in Finland she’s out every day. The past summer when she was walking her regular route she heard a loud noise from a nearby field. She looked up, and saw something big and brown at the edge of the forest. It was more than likely a bear. Kinn stood frozen for a while, and then she took her walking poles in her hands and she ran as fast as she could to our summer house. A good five kilometer run from the point she was at. Poor Kinn ran and ran, she did not stop once. I think that bear sighting scared her BIG time…But a couple of days later she was on to her old routine again, only a little bit more observant to her surroundings.
You go, Kinn!! I wish I was half as active as you in the summer time! Now it is my time to start!
Power walking, here I come!!!
And here are some more pics from the summer:
This is my grandma's old farm house. This is where she was born. Where my mom and aunt were born, and where I spent every summer, some Christmases and winter breaks while growing up. My grandma left Stenö for Näsby when she was 86 years old. The only time in her life when she has moved. Now the farm is empty, but we take care of the house and the sorroundings. We love this place.
Some typical Annika pictures :-)
My aunt's summer house is located about 2 km from our summer house. This is Junkarsgrund.
Cousins: Anton, Edvin, David and Karolina (Ella was napping when I took this pic).
Staffan, my brother, and his daughter Ella and cousin Edvin. It's been a true cousin summer this year.
Have a very good Tuesday!
But now I have adjusted, and I am back in the US again with both body and mind. All good, all fine, and as you all know I like it a lot here!
Karolina is getting ready to start Middle School and I am probably more nervous than she is. All is so new and foreign to me and to her of course.
It will be hard to get the little lady out of bed in the mornings, SO VERY HARD. Middle School starts at 7:20 and that is quite a difference from elementary school where she started at 9:15.
Hmmm…it will be a struggle to get up in the mornings for her. Oh, and I have to start a new routine as well. I was so used to taking my walks after I dropped Karolina off at school. Now I either have to take a walk at 7:30 AM or wait until my “regular time”. Time will tell. I am sure it will work itself out.
Power walks I need, for crying out loud. Power walks and Wii fit!! I have gained weight over the summer. Yes that is what happens when you pig out on food, candy, coffee cakes, drinks and the best bread in the world. Scandinavia does not do a body good…there is way too much delicious food there, way too much.
When in Finland, you would think I would go out for long walks daily but I don’t…I just hang around the houses, take the car or the bike. LAZY ass me!! When in Stockholm it is easier to walk around, it just happens naturally.
We finally got the hold of a Wii Fit. Peter purchased it when we were up north, and it waited for us when we got back. I have to say it is pretty fun, and a good complement to your regular exercises. You can do quite a lot on Wii fit; kick boxing, step aerobics, yoga etc. Oh, and plus that it keeps track of your weight and BMI, and it gives you your virtual wii age. YES, it does, so far so good for me….I have scored 36 and 39 years old.
But to simply rely on Wii fit as your sole exercise, I would not recommend. I don’t think it will help you lose weight or get more active, but a good complement it is, to the real thing.
My sister-in-law is a power house when it comes to exercising. She is out Nordic walking every day for over an hour, she does yoga and Pilates and she is in a very good shape!! When she’s in Finland she’s out every day. The past summer when she was walking her regular route she heard a loud noise from a nearby field. She looked up, and saw something big and brown at the edge of the forest. It was more than likely a bear. Kinn stood frozen for a while, and then she took her walking poles in her hands and she ran as fast as she could to our summer house. A good five kilometer run from the point she was at. Poor Kinn ran and ran, she did not stop once. I think that bear sighting scared her BIG time…But a couple of days later she was on to her old routine again, only a little bit more observant to her surroundings.
You go, Kinn!! I wish I was half as active as you in the summer time! Now it is my time to start!
Power walking, here I come!!!
And here are some more pics from the summer:
This is my grandma's old farm house. This is where she was born. Where my mom and aunt were born, and where I spent every summer, some Christmases and winter breaks while growing up. My grandma left Stenö for Näsby when she was 86 years old. The only time in her life when she has moved. Now the farm is empty, but we take care of the house and the sorroundings. We love this place.
Some typical Annika pictures :-)
My aunt's summer house is located about 2 km from our summer house. This is Junkarsgrund.
Cousins: Anton, Edvin, David and Karolina (Ella was napping when I took this pic).
Staffan, my brother, and his daughter Ella and cousin Edvin. It's been a true cousin summer this year.
Have a very good Tuesday!
Härliga bilder, din mormors hus är som en äkta sommardröm. Tänk att ha bott på samma ställe i 86 år. Själv lever man ju zigenarliv och kan inte föreställa sig hur det skulle vara. Men att behöva flytta efter så många år kan inte vara skoj, jag tyckte det var tungt efter 6,5. Eller så kanske det är jätteroligt förresten. Att få se något nytt.
Nu måste jag också fråga: Vad är Wii Fit? Wii var väl datorspel? Aha, är det alltså instruktion typ video fast annorlunda?
Lycka till med promenaderna, det blir nog skönt att sätta igång igen.
It is GOOD to be back. It is just so hard to "land" after a long time in Europe. But I like being home :-)
And I am so glad you like my english posts!!
All other days you can look at the pics :-)
Visst är 7:20 en högst egendomlig tid att börja på. Tortyr.
stackars barn.
Wii fit är ett spel man spelar på wii systemet, alltså framför sin tv. Själva wii fit brädan är som en bräda som ser ut som en större våg. På dem brädan ska man sedan göra alla möjliga uppgifter. Det är kul! Jag kommer nog att skriva mer om fit härframöver.
Mormors stuga ja...NOG är det en sommardröm alltid...jag vet. Så sorgligt att den är tom numera. Men vi älskar ju stället över allt annat. Mkt att sköta om är det ju, både vid stugan vid havet och vid denna stuga i byn.
Det ska bli skööönt att komma igång med träningen igen. Det här går inte...
Visst är det tortyr...stackars K...Nu är klockan 10:45 och hon har just stigit upp. Snart blir det andra bullar.
Jag köpte Leki stavar från Dicks. Rätt dyra, för dyra, men bra...
Tror inte du ska köpa alltför billigt.
Tack Desiree, vad roligt att du gillar bilderna!!
JÄTTEFINA bilder igen Annika, jag älskar alla dina sommarbilder. Så ljuvligt att se, speciellt eftersom jag aldrig var hem i år.
Usch ja, mina morgonpromenader har också i viss mån blivit eftersatta i år pga vi haft så mycket gäster. Det blir lite andra rutiner för en själv då också. Nya tag till hösten...
Jag ska också försöka komma ut på förmiddagarna, inte för att det blir så mycket power när jag går, men om bara fötterna klarar det så är ju promenader ett bra sätt att komma igång på.
Din nya dator år SÅ snygg! Tråkigt med färgen, men ibland måste man ju tänka på det praktiska först...
Hahaha! Men skitdålig på golf... Jag knockade M varje match men när det kom till golf så var jag värdelös och han var hur bra som helst. Fast igenn av oss vare sig boxas eller spelar golf IRL...
kanske säger en del om min personlighet, hehe! ;-)
Och räna ja, det skulle jag också behöva göra nu. Komma igång igen. Har inte tränat sedan i höstas (innan jul). Hu!
Så jag är inte i ngn bra form alls nu. Men men, jag hoppas få in ngn rutin med träning under hösten. Kanske tar det et tag eftersom det blir nya rutiner för oss också med ELla på dagis och så, men så småningom ska man kaske kunna få in ite jogning igen hoppas jag.
Iiiih! Kanske ses vi faktiskt imorgon Annika!!!!!!!!!!
Jag ska försöka komma, men lovar inget. O jag inte dyker upp så ses vi ju i övermorgon! Såååååå kul ska det bli att få träffa både dig och K!
Mina morgonpromender har inte kommit igång riktigt heller, pga det spanska besöket och igår var jag lite lat och tyckte det såg lite för grått och regntungt ut! Men imorgon bitti blir det nya tag!
Stor kram!
Jag går också alltid upp ett par kilon hemma i Sverige, jag bara måste äta allt gått ,sedan blir jag lat. Men bor jag därhemma så håller jag min vanliga vikt.
7.20 är tidigt! vad jobbigt.
Ett sådant paradis får ni hålla hårt i.
Karolina kanske åker dit med sin familj i framtiden.
Alla minnen som hon samlar på sig nu måste vara lika bra som dina varit kan jag tänka mig.
Det var väldigt vad tidigt Karolina börjar. Och i den åldern.
Men visst blir det tidigare hemgång då eller?
Hoppas att din powerwalk passar in ändå och att du kanske kan köra lite Wii innan..eller är det overkill? :D
Jag saknar mina powerwalks nu nar det helt enkelt inte funkar langre. Men jag hoppas komma tillbaks till dem snart efter att Bonan ar fodd!
Fy sjutton vad laskigt med bjornen. Det hade nog till och med kunnat fa mig att rusa 5 km! :-)