Pic from About.com
Close to our house is Wolf Trap National Park. It is located about ten minutes from our house in nearby Vienna.
Wolf Trap is a wonderful outdoor stage surrounded by big lawns and mature woods. It is absolutely beautiful to spend an evening there.
I love music, and I love lots of different kinds of music, and you can find all different kind of music genres there.
The best thing is to get there early, around 6 PM. Most concerts start around 8 PM and before that you will have to allow yourself plenty of time just to sit down on the lawn and enjoy a picnic and wine.
It is so beautiful to sit there and see the sun set in the west.
And, ah, when the twilight is at its most beautiful, the concert will start.
Pic from DavisCrossfield.com
If you don’t want to hang on the lawn for the entire duration of the show you can purchase tickets for the house as well. It would certainly come in handy on a rainy night.
BUT the best night at Wolf Trap is a clear and warm summer evening. Maybe an evening when the air is full of fire flies, warm and maybe just a tad bit humid so that you will not get cold.
Lotta is enjoying an evening in Wolf Trap.
Lotta and I were there recently to see Kenny G in concert. And, I swear, everywhere we went (before the fact) people were laughing at us; Kenny G (hahaha). Are you guys crazy!! Why do you want to go see HIM???
AND, I ‘ll tell you WHAT; the concert was wonderful!! Kenny G is a wonderful musician who plays beautiful music, and he has a GREAT and fantastic band.
Both Lotta and I are going to buy his new CD.
As I said to Lotta Thursday night---I did not have a dull moment all night long.
Can you see Kenny G? He started his concert walking around playing outside. Great start!
Boz Scaggs with his wonderful music was lovely!! I love so many of his songs, and I love the way the guy is singing! Fantastic!! Peter and I went to see him Sunday night.
Peter just got tickets to Wolf Trap for an 80’s night in August. That will be so much fun!!!
All right, the Jeep is gone. But it still lives on our street. Richard bought it and he has fixed it up beautifully. Actually I feel a bit sentimental when looking at it…
Our old car that I loved so much at one point. For the longest time, in the mid to late 90's, a red Grand Jeep Cherokee was my dream car. But that "dream car feeling" subsided after a few years when the Jeep started giving us so many problems.
But, alas, it still lives on the street and I can see it from my kitchen window…
Karolina turned 12 yesterday!!!
You can see pictures from her life, from almost 3 years old and on in yesterday’s post. As I said, I have hundreds of baby pics but only on paper copies. I’ll have to get busy scanning them in to the computer.
We bought her a cell phone for a gift that she can bring with her to Europe as well. She also got books, a Wii game and some other little things.
Our big little girl…
Have a great Wednesday!
Close to our house is Wolf Trap National Park. It is located about ten minutes from our house in nearby Vienna.
Wolf Trap is a wonderful outdoor stage surrounded by big lawns and mature woods. It is absolutely beautiful to spend an evening there.
I love music, and I love lots of different kinds of music, and you can find all different kind of music genres there.
The best thing is to get there early, around 6 PM. Most concerts start around 8 PM and before that you will have to allow yourself plenty of time just to sit down on the lawn and enjoy a picnic and wine.
It is so beautiful to sit there and see the sun set in the west.
And, ah, when the twilight is at its most beautiful, the concert will start.
Pic from DavisCrossfield.com
If you don’t want to hang on the lawn for the entire duration of the show you can purchase tickets for the house as well. It would certainly come in handy on a rainy night.
BUT the best night at Wolf Trap is a clear and warm summer evening. Maybe an evening when the air is full of fire flies, warm and maybe just a tad bit humid so that you will not get cold.
Lotta is enjoying an evening in Wolf Trap.
Lotta and I were there recently to see Kenny G in concert. And, I swear, everywhere we went (before the fact) people were laughing at us; Kenny G (hahaha). Are you guys crazy!! Why do you want to go see HIM???
AND, I ‘ll tell you WHAT; the concert was wonderful!! Kenny G is a wonderful musician who plays beautiful music, and he has a GREAT and fantastic band.
Both Lotta and I are going to buy his new CD.
As I said to Lotta Thursday night---I did not have a dull moment all night long.
Can you see Kenny G? He started his concert walking around playing outside. Great start!
Boz Scaggs with his wonderful music was lovely!! I love so many of his songs, and I love the way the guy is singing! Fantastic!! Peter and I went to see him Sunday night.
Peter just got tickets to Wolf Trap for an 80’s night in August. That will be so much fun!!!
All right, the Jeep is gone. But it still lives on our street. Richard bought it and he has fixed it up beautifully. Actually I feel a bit sentimental when looking at it…
Our old car that I loved so much at one point. For the longest time, in the mid to late 90's, a red Grand Jeep Cherokee was my dream car. But that "dream car feeling" subsided after a few years when the Jeep started giving us so many problems.
But, alas, it still lives on the street and I can see it from my kitchen window…
Karolina turned 12 yesterday!!!
You can see pictures from her life, from almost 3 years old and on in yesterday’s post. As I said, I have hundreds of baby pics but only on paper copies. I’ll have to get busy scanning them in to the computer.
We bought her a cell phone for a gift that she can bring with her to Europe as well. She also got books, a Wii game and some other little things.
Our big little girl…
Have a great Wednesday!
Nämen vad säger du!!?? var du 12 år när du hade din första pojkvän...GULP!!!! Här släpps ingen pojkvän över bron än på ett tag, hahhahahahahaha!!! ;-)))
Jo, vi försöker göra lite olika grejjer hela tiden. Peter är intresserad av sport så han ser till att K får den biten också.
Visst är det konstigt det där när man äntligen köper sig en ny sak, bil eller dator eller vad som helst, därför att man var så trött på den gamla som inte fungerade ordentligt - och så går man och blir sentimental och SAKNAR plötsligt den gamla. Skönt att du ser er gamla bil och vet att den blir väl omhändertagen och älskad!
Och visst är det märkligt att US och Europa ska ha olika telefonsystem! Hoppas att någon smart typ utvecklar ett system som fungerar för alla telefoner i hela världen.
Musik i alla former är himla roligt, rofyllt och glädjespridande.
Älskar all sorts musik mer eller mindre.
Men så fin kontakt som ni har, du och Karolina, är det nog ingen större fara för tonårsrevolter etc.
Mirren har fyllt 30 men hon är fortfarande min allra bästa vän och vi ringer varandra varje dag och chattar däremellan.
Wolf Trap är verkligen ett högst urmysigt ställe!
Lustigt det där. Jag är ju kräktrött på Jeepen, ville int eköra den knappt, men nu känns det lite sorgligt, ungefär som om bilen har känslor :-)
Mobilsystemet är skumt...Som tur är har vi alla mobiler som funkar både här och där.
Känner att Karolina bara måste ha en mobil nu.
Jo, det är nog sant det där med att vara 12 år, fortfarande barnslig, men på väg att bli tonåring.
Det gäller att njuta fullt ut av det här året.
Wii är kul, men jag höll på att somna igår när vi spelade Mario Party 8. DET tog så lång tid :-)
Haha, SO TRUE!!
Now you are not laughing :-)
Wolf Trap is great.
Yes, I am glad K has a mobile now.
Ja, det är ett verkligt mysigt ställe!!
GULP och STÅNK!! Inga pojkvänner släpps över bron på ett bra tag. Tror inte K bryr sig heller ännu så länge :-)
Musik är så underbart!!! Håller med!!
Visst är det så. Tiden går så himla fort...Jag skulle gärna stanna tiden ett tag.
Jag hoppas att K inte ska tonårsrevoltera...
Underbart att du och Mirren har så fin kontakt, jag blir alldeles varm i hjärtat av det!!
Uppe i norr där mina päron bor brukar de vara konserter utomhus brevid ett stort vattenfall, platsen kallas Storforsen.
Karolina är så lik Peter att det inte är klokt. Pappas flicka eller?
Undrar om Leon blir lik sin pappa, tycker mig se det redan om än lite. :)
Stort grattis till Karolina på 12-årsdagen!
Trevlig midsommar! Kram!
DET är verkligen mysit på Wolf Trap, och man behöver nästan inte alls ha ngt förhållande till artisten. Det blir liksom bra ändå :-)
Visst är Karolina sin pappas flicka...DET har hon alltid varit. Sen den dagen hon föddes har jag fått höra hur LIK hon är sin far :-)
Japp, var beredd på detsamma med Leon :-)
Vad glad jag blir över dina ord.
Vad roligt att du tycker det!!
Jättemysig kväll. Lite mer vuxet än wiggles ja, hihi!!
Tack, och ha en trevlig midsommar down under!!