I have not been able at all to log on today. I am relying on other peoples wireless networks, and as you all know most people have secured connections. But I did happen to find one unsecured (network) and I am very thankful to that person!!
We're having a great time. I will post a lot of pics tomorrow while at my sister's, but until then text will do!
First I met up with fellow blogger Jacal. Jacal and I went to Old Town and had a very nice fika with lots of interesting things to talk about in the beautiful weather. We both enjoyed Old Town, and we both praised Stockholm and it's beauty, but we had our complaints too (rude people for example).
After Jacal and I parted ways I met up with Monika, my dear old friend!!
We had another fika, and then we did our usual spiel, we walked!!
Stockholm is a true walking town and we walked for some hours and then we had a drink at an outdoor cafe, a barge, on the water. SO nice!!!
In the evening I went over to my sister's and we had dinner, drinks and loads of laughs and talks!!
Karolina and I ended up spending the night there.
Ah, a nice Swedish breakfast!!!
After breakfast we all went downtown to Tekniska Museet (tech museum) where the kids had a great time. I thought the lunch was the best thing at the Tech Museum. The Swedes know hos to whip up great lunches!!
When we got back home again Håkan had returned from a business trip in Norway. Karolina and I ended up spending another night at my sister's. More drinks, more great food and more laughs!
Håkan and I took off for Håkan's office. We had to fax over my signature to the DMV office in the US.
In the afternoon we went downtown again. We found another great bar-barge where we hung out!
Karolina and I left Sara and Håkan at the bar to meet up with two of my friends at another restaurant. We spent the evening in the city. We watched (some of the) the soccer game between Spain and Germany, and as you all know Spain won!
It was so crowded downtown due to the big game. You could see several big screen TV's being set up in the big parks of Stockholm.
The entire day was spent over at my friend Anette's house. We had fika, lunch and dinner...SO nice to spend time with good, old friends!!!
Now we are hanging out here at home. It is so light outside and it is 10:20 PM...
I love these white nights!! Always.
Tomorrow is a day of shopping!!! People, there is SOOOOO much to buy and it is very dangerous for my wallet.
And then tomorrow night we are heading over to Sara and Håkan's again...
Oh, and tomorrow I will post loads of pics on the blog (as I said above)
Sleep well!!!
I have not been able at all to log on today. I am relying on other peoples wireless networks, and as you all know most people have secured connections. But I did happen to find one unsecured (network) and I am very thankful to that person!!
We're having a great time. I will post a lot of pics tomorrow while at my sister's, but until then text will do!
First I met up with fellow blogger Jacal. Jacal and I went to Old Town and had a very nice fika with lots of interesting things to talk about in the beautiful weather. We both enjoyed Old Town, and we both praised Stockholm and it's beauty, but we had our complaints too (rude people for example).
After Jacal and I parted ways I met up with Monika, my dear old friend!!
We had another fika, and then we did our usual spiel, we walked!!
Stockholm is a true walking town and we walked for some hours and then we had a drink at an outdoor cafe, a barge, on the water. SO nice!!!
In the evening I went over to my sister's and we had dinner, drinks and loads of laughs and talks!!
Karolina and I ended up spending the night there.
Ah, a nice Swedish breakfast!!!
After breakfast we all went downtown to Tekniska Museet (tech museum) where the kids had a great time. I thought the lunch was the best thing at the Tech Museum. The Swedes know hos to whip up great lunches!!
When we got back home again Håkan had returned from a business trip in Norway. Karolina and I ended up spending another night at my sister's. More drinks, more great food and more laughs!
Håkan and I took off for Håkan's office. We had to fax over my signature to the DMV office in the US.
In the afternoon we went downtown again. We found another great bar-barge where we hung out!
Karolina and I left Sara and Håkan at the bar to meet up with two of my friends at another restaurant. We spent the evening in the city. We watched (some of the) the soccer game between Spain and Germany, and as you all know Spain won!
It was so crowded downtown due to the big game. You could see several big screen TV's being set up in the big parks of Stockholm.
The entire day was spent over at my friend Anette's house. We had fika, lunch and dinner...SO nice to spend time with good, old friends!!!
Now we are hanging out here at home. It is so light outside and it is 10:20 PM...
I love these white nights!! Always.
Tomorrow is a day of shopping!!! People, there is SOOOOO much to buy and it is very dangerous for my wallet.
And then tomorrow night we are heading over to Sara and Håkan's again...
Oh, and tomorrow I will post loads of pics on the blog (as I said above)
Sleep well!!!
Jag som har rätt svårt att gå upp i vikt , går alltid upp i vikt då jag besöker Sverige.:)Så mysigt och gott att fika och att få äta svensk mat.
Stockholm ar verkligen en mysig stad att promenera i.
Kul att träffa både familj och vänner!
Fortsätt nu att njuta av familj och vänner och ha det jätte, jättebra!
hoppas ni fortsätter att ha det härligt!
Ja, jag har det så bra!! Och det är mysigt på alla sätt att vara hemma. Jag kan inte ens klaga på vädret! Det enda jag kan klaga på att lite surproppar, men det får man ta :-)
Maten ÄR underbar!! Och ja, det kommer att märkas på vikten...
Det bär av till Närpes på torsdag.
VAD KUL!! Snart står du på svensk jord också. Jag förstår om du gläder dig enormt!!
ÅH, tänk om man vore som DU!! Tänk om man hade svårt att gå upp i vikt. LYLLOS dig!! Jag kommer säkert att gå upp tre kilo under sommaren...pust!!
Visst är Tekniska ett kul museum!
Stockholm måste vara en av världens bästa gå-städer!!!
Ja, och nu är ju Stockholm så underbart vackert, och vädret är så fint!!
Yes, you know how great of a walking city this really is!! Love it.
Pics later today!!
Det är verkligen härligt!!!
JAPP, det är så man ska spendera sin tid i en av världens topp-fem vackraste städer!! Det är verkligen härligt!
Jag MED!! Men jag är så tacksam mot denne ngn som är en av 10 som inte har skyddat...Alla andra har ju skyddat sina. Varför inte denna person? Men TACK!!!!
Men det är klart, det är ju äkta svenskt fika nu så det gäller väl att du passar på. :D
Hoppas att vädret visar sin bästa sida och att plånboken inte skrapas helt ren under din vistelse i Stockholm.. :D
Kram, kram!
Låter som ni har det alldeles underbart!!
Jamen det gör ju det!! Idag har jag både ätit en mazarin och kongress...
Ah, vad är väl bättre än svenskt fika.
JAG ska kolla!! Har så svårt att komma åt Hotmailen...
TACK! Ja, det är jätteskönt...Verkligen.