Sometimes I miss the “art” of text messaging, or SMS:ing, as I am used to calling it.
I miss not being able to do it more here in the US. Texting seems to be something only teenagers here in the US do. OR, so the media tells us, over and over again.
Every time you’re reading an article about SMS:ing here in this country it is always geared towards teenagers.
Oh, how I wish it was more like in Europe where all ages use texting. I think it is the perfect tool to keep in touch with. Just send out a message to your friend, and voila he/she will get it. You don’t have to disturb the person with a phone call. It is super easy and fast! And hopefully you’ll get your response within seconds.
When I am in Scandinavia I am using SMS’s all the time. That is mainly how I keep in touch with my friends. That is how we decide what we’ll do, and where we’ll meet. And wait!!! Hello! We are not teenagers! Whooho! No try 35+, which is our age group.
EVERYBODY at home is using the smart little device on their mobile phones. If I, for example, want to contact my Mom while out on the town I simply text her, same with my aunt. So, you see, all generations are texting.
And, if you have a doctor’s appointment or a dentist appointment they will simply remind you of your appointment over your mobile, in a text-message.
If you are going on vacation and want to cancel your paper, well, then all you have to do is to SMS the big papers and let them now. And so on, and so forth…
Once here in the US I did SMS one of my American friends. I asked her to meet us at the local pool. Needless to say I never got a response. Later, when I asked her, she said she had no idea what to do when replying.
So, even though I taught her how to text we have never SMS:ed since that time.
I have taught Peter the art of it, and now he can appreciate how fast and efficient it is. But what is the point when you can hardly use it?
I so wish it turned out as big here as it is in Europe.
A couple of weeks ago here in the DC-area we had an extremely windy day. It was so stormy that the school system decided to close early. Lucky me, I was in front of my computer and I saw the e-mail that the school sent out, in which it said it would close 2 hours early. If I had been out shopping, or out with a friend, or just out etc, I would have had no idea about the early closing. See, how perfect it would have been if my county would have informed us all with a text-message.
No, give text/SMS a break and a chance, and realize that it is NOT only for teenagers.
Folks, my dream house in Reston is sold! Yup, I saw the “Sold” sign the other week!
Some lucky person bought it. The house was on the market for about 9 months, but now THAT lucky bastard will move in there.
I can see an up-swing in the market now. It seems like it has finally turned around. Hey, maybe we can put this town-house up for sale soon? The question is:…are we ready??? IIIIIHHHH!!!
I miss not being able to do it more here in the US. Texting seems to be something only teenagers here in the US do. OR, so the media tells us, over and over again.
Every time you’re reading an article about SMS:ing here in this country it is always geared towards teenagers.
Oh, how I wish it was more like in Europe where all ages use texting. I think it is the perfect tool to keep in touch with. Just send out a message to your friend, and voila he/she will get it. You don’t have to disturb the person with a phone call. It is super easy and fast! And hopefully you’ll get your response within seconds.
When I am in Scandinavia I am using SMS’s all the time. That is mainly how I keep in touch with my friends. That is how we decide what we’ll do, and where we’ll meet. And wait!!! Hello! We are not teenagers! Whooho! No try 35+, which is our age group.
EVERYBODY at home is using the smart little device on their mobile phones. If I, for example, want to contact my Mom while out on the town I simply text her, same with my aunt. So, you see, all generations are texting.
And, if you have a doctor’s appointment or a dentist appointment they will simply remind you of your appointment over your mobile, in a text-message.
If you are going on vacation and want to cancel your paper, well, then all you have to do is to SMS the big papers and let them now. And so on, and so forth…
Once here in the US I did SMS one of my American friends. I asked her to meet us at the local pool. Needless to say I never got a response. Later, when I asked her, she said she had no idea what to do when replying.
So, even though I taught her how to text we have never SMS:ed since that time.
I have taught Peter the art of it, and now he can appreciate how fast and efficient it is. But what is the point when you can hardly use it?
I so wish it turned out as big here as it is in Europe.
A couple of weeks ago here in the DC-area we had an extremely windy day. It was so stormy that the school system decided to close early. Lucky me, I was in front of my computer and I saw the e-mail that the school sent out, in which it said it would close 2 hours early. If I had been out shopping, or out with a friend, or just out etc, I would have had no idea about the early closing. See, how perfect it would have been if my county would have informed us all with a text-message.
No, give text/SMS a break and a chance, and realize that it is NOT only for teenagers.
Folks, my dream house in Reston is sold! Yup, I saw the “Sold” sign the other week!
Some lucky person bought it. The house was on the market for about 9 months, but now THAT lucky bastard will move in there.
I can see an up-swing in the market now. It seems like it has finally turned around. Hey, maybe we can put this town-house up for sale soon? The question is:…are we ready??? IIIIIHHHH!!!
Tyvärr är så inte fallet. OCH vad jag önskar att det ska bli stort och utbrett här! Men ibland är detta land TRÖÖÖÖGT!!! Och har nu Sms fått en tonårsstämpel kan det vara svårt att tvätta bort den. Trist.
It is just a matter of practising for your sake, and then you'll be super fast at it! I know, I love getting sms's from Sweden!!! So fun!
I am glad to hear that everybody uses it in Australia! Great! That is the way it should be!
Japp, verkligen Landet Bakom i det här fallet. Så fjantigt att det har fått en tonårsstämpel. SUCK!
Se, tom din kära mor ägnar sig åt sms. Min moster också, som brukar få panik när hon ska lära in ngt nytt tekniskt.
Mer sms åt folket i US!!
SE! DET är takter det!! När 87 åriga farfar börjar hänga med i sms och e-mail svängarna! Gillar det skarpt!
Way to go!!
Talk to you soon!
Jag gillar det att jag kan skicka ett privat SMS till folk som jobbar, och veta att jag inte stör mitt i... dom kan läsa & svara när dom har tid.
SMS:ing is wonderful! I love that you don't have to disturbe the person with a phone call. It is so fast and efficient! Smarter than smart!
More people need to do it!
More texting to the people!
WOW! thanks! Me and another mother at the school were just bitching of the lack of text.mess from Fairfax County. BUT thank you for enlighten me!! I will sign up right away!
SMS är så BÄST!!! Jag avskyr ibland att ringa, speciellt kvällstid. med sms stör man aldrig.
Från att ha varit en HET marknad för ca 1½ år sen då husen såldes redan samma dag blev det kallare än kallt på marknaden. Tror nog att det blev ungefär samma chock överallt i US, men här var det smärtsamt kännbart.
Vi är inte redo att sälja vårt eget hus ännu, men sanrt så...
ABSOLUT! Jag kan tro at det kan ställa till problem i kvadrat i början av ett förhållande. Och sen har jag ju hört om folk som gjort slut via sms också. INTE så bra, nej.
Och du har rätt, vi tjejer ska alltid börja analysera vartenda ord...Som dusäger, det gör inte killar...
Not surprised to hear that, that the only text.messages you get are from people in Sweden! Oh how fun for you to go home in the summer!!!
Har ni planer på att sälja ert hus alltså?
Ha det fint!
Och tack Annika för dina kommentarer och stöd den senaste tiden! Kram
Räntorna hade säkert sitt att göra med det hela. Det blev så överhettat. Folk kunde gå på visningar och bestämma sig på stående fot " vi tar huset". många struntade helt i husinspektioner o dyl. SÅ är inte läget nu. Inga priskrig just nu.
Nu verkar det ha vänt. det kan jag se på husen som är till salu. Ja, hoppas att det blir OK när vi slutligen säljer vårt ställe.
Du behöver verkligen inte kunna SMS:a i det här landet :-)
Men om du skulle vilja är det mkt enkelt att lära sig. Det är bra när man röstar på Idol etc.
Perfekt med SMS. det är det bästa på mkt länge :-)
Jo, vi funderar på att köpa ett fristående hus istället för radhuset. har bott här i 7 år. Gillar stället, men är trött på radhusboendet.
Håller med m allt du säger angående SMS. Vilken bra uppfinning!
Absolut, Tina! Tänker på dig, och jag vet att du har det lite jobbigt.
Jag skickar i princip aldrig sms numera, jag saknar det. Kanske vi kan börja skicka sms till varann :)
Men visst blir man sur, och irriterad. FATTA att det ÄR lätt att sms:a. Ingen big deal!
Ack ja!
Det är ju så smidigt med sms, och som jag säger så slipper man känna att man stör.
JA! Kanske vi ska ta och börja på :-)
Du far helt enkelt starta en ny trend!
Nä, det är lite trögt med sms:andet här. Suck.
Tro mig! Jag försöker skapa en ny trend! Tycker ju också att sms är det allra bästa sättet att kontakta folk på.
Kul att din svärmor har börjat också.
When my brother in Sweden talks about videophone calls with his 3G phone and MMS etc... I feel soo behind! ;-)
Drives me nuts, too. I don't understand it, and watch al the ads about texting on TV---only geared towards teenagers. arrghh!!
Yes, for crying out loud...This cpountry sure is behind on the whole mobile scene.
Same with my brothers and their mobiles...When they start showing of their phones my mobile looks like it is about ten years old. Truth is it is not even 3 mos old yet...Oh well..