My entry this week will be pictures (en masse) shot during my daily walk!
Now I am going to bring you with me, if you'd like to! Please come along!!!
Back in October I was out on a walk with my camera as well. Same route. Most of you saw my suburb during the fall then...Here is the link to that post, in case you are interested. For some reason I cannot link right now...weird.
This is "my" sidewalk. If you continue the sidewalk down, and take a right, you'll find our house.
This is a bit up the street, to the left here is one of the paths that I take regularly, but not today...
Here is the view over the golf course...But let's continue, shall we?
This is the street right outside our neighborhood. Not a lot of traffic at this moment as you can see. Good for us! we can safely cross...
Today I saw lots of gardeners working in peoples back and front yards. It is quite common to have a garderner. Maybe I should get one myself? No, I like puttering around on my little patch.
We are still on the same street as the house above is located on. One of my favorite streets around here. I would not mind buying a house here, as a matter of fact. I found this beautiful Azalea shrub overlooking the golfcourse between two houses.
We are about to leave said street, this is at the end of it. I love this Clematis...
This garden always gets me! I think it is beautiful! Maybe it does not show as good as I want it to, because I love it! You can tell that the owners of this house love their garden. And it is...
...right next door the house that I would love to buy. My dream house!!! It is STILL FOR SALE, guys!!! I look at it every day, and then I just sigh...I wish, I wish.
This is the path right behind the dream house. We are on our way to the meadow, and you can see the beginning of it right here. Ever so often on this meadow I see a scabby fox. The fox is tiny and skinny and does not look healthy. I did not see him today.
The meadow. Right now it looks nice and green. It is supposed to be a wild meadow, so it is never mowed. In the end of the season it is not a pretty sight.
But, at the end of the meadow it is this beautiful!!!
When you live in my suburb you have the right to pick and choose between 16 pools! All are good! This is the pool located closest to my house, it is also the pool that will open up first. It opens this weekend!!! Yes, this weekend! The pool is heated. But, hey, it is almost summer!!!
Along the way you are sure to see lots of beautiful Azaleas.
And now we have reached the lake. Doesn't this look lovely?
Another view from the path overlooking the lake...
This is one of my favorite spots along the path.
And we are continuing towards the breakfast latte...
It must be nice to own a floating veranda...
I love the lake. It is always beautiful regardless of the season. In the winter the winds are icy cold, and in the summer time the greeting winds are nice and warm.
Buttercups (Smörblommor) grow everywhere!
And here is "my" coffee-shop! Finally breakfast!!!
Inside the coffee place we all know and love...
Time to head home again...
Now we are entering what Peter and I are calling "the Swedish neighborhood". Why? Because all the houses are painted in different colors.
More of the same...
Even more...
This sign is located right outside the elementary school. I guess you can never be to young for a drug free zone...
Almost home. All we have to do is cross the street...
The path that is leading home.
Somewhere behind those trees is a house I know very well...
My walking companions, the ipod, the inhaler (that I rarely need anymore :-))), my coffee shop's "pay as you go card" and my mobile phone.
I hope you enjoyed the walk with me. It was a pleasure shooting the pics for your, and mine, enjoyment!
Have a nice Tuesday!
Now I am going to bring you with me, if you'd like to! Please come along!!!
Back in October I was out on a walk with my camera as well. Same route. Most of you saw my suburb during the fall then...Here is the link to that post, in case you are interested. For some reason I cannot link right now...weird.
This is "my" sidewalk. If you continue the sidewalk down, and take a right, you'll find our house.
This is a bit up the street, to the left here is one of the paths that I take regularly, but not today...
Here is the view over the golf course...But let's continue, shall we?
This is the street right outside our neighborhood. Not a lot of traffic at this moment as you can see. Good for us! we can safely cross...
Today I saw lots of gardeners working in peoples back and front yards. It is quite common to have a garderner. Maybe I should get one myself? No, I like puttering around on my little patch.
We are still on the same street as the house above is located on. One of my favorite streets around here. I would not mind buying a house here, as a matter of fact. I found this beautiful Azalea shrub overlooking the golfcourse between two houses.
We are about to leave said street, this is at the end of it. I love this Clematis...
This garden always gets me! I think it is beautiful! Maybe it does not show as good as I want it to, because I love it! You can tell that the owners of this house love their garden. And it is...
...right next door the house that I would love to buy. My dream house!!! It is STILL FOR SALE, guys!!! I look at it every day, and then I just sigh...I wish, I wish.
This is the path right behind the dream house. We are on our way to the meadow, and you can see the beginning of it right here. Ever so often on this meadow I see a scabby fox. The fox is tiny and skinny and does not look healthy. I did not see him today.
The meadow. Right now it looks nice and green. It is supposed to be a wild meadow, so it is never mowed. In the end of the season it is not a pretty sight.
But, at the end of the meadow it is this beautiful!!!
When you live in my suburb you have the right to pick and choose between 16 pools! All are good! This is the pool located closest to my house, it is also the pool that will open up first. It opens this weekend!!! Yes, this weekend! The pool is heated. But, hey, it is almost summer!!!
Along the way you are sure to see lots of beautiful Azaleas.
And now we have reached the lake. Doesn't this look lovely?
Another view from the path overlooking the lake...
This is one of my favorite spots along the path.
And we are continuing towards the breakfast latte...
It must be nice to own a floating veranda...
I love the lake. It is always beautiful regardless of the season. In the winter the winds are icy cold, and in the summer time the greeting winds are nice and warm.
Buttercups (Smörblommor) grow everywhere!
And here is "my" coffee-shop! Finally breakfast!!!
Inside the coffee place we all know and love...
Time to head home again...
Now we are entering what Peter and I are calling "the Swedish neighborhood". Why? Because all the houses are painted in different colors.
More of the same...
Even more...
This sign is located right outside the elementary school. I guess you can never be to young for a drug free zone...
Almost home. All we have to do is cross the street...
The path that is leading home.
Somewhere behind those trees is a house I know very well...
My walking companions, the ipod, the inhaler (that I rarely need anymore :-))), my coffee shop's "pay as you go card" and my mobile phone.
I hope you enjoyed the walk with me. It was a pleasure shooting the pics for your, and mine, enjoyment!
Have a nice Tuesday!
Tackar, tackar!!!
Jättekul attt du tyckte om prommisen och ville hänga med!
Jo, det är sgs sommar, visst! Det går fort här.
Hoppas ditt plommonträd ska bära frukt!
Nu ska jag bege mig ut på min dagliga prommis igen. Idag utan kamera :-)
Varför ska blogger strula nu då? Typiskt alltid är det ngt!
Ja, kom tillbaka!!!
Jag kollar igen om en timme ifall dina bilder vill visa sig då.
Får också försöka senare.
Skit också!! Vad är det nu för fel??????
Skumt att Fia kan se bilderna o inte ni?? Usch, ibland kan det verkligen strula. Försök igen ska vi se om det går bättre.
Det tar mig en timme i raskt tempo. Svårt att säga hur lång den är. Ska mäta upp med bilen på ett ungefär snart. Hundar får bada i sjöarna här omkring. Iallafall har jag sett flera vovvar plaska omkring.
4 timmar för ett vovvebad låter alltför långt...
Tack!! Det är fint här! Trivs ypperligt med att bo här.Glad att du kunde se bilderna. Underligt med blogger idag...
Jag vill se lite bilder från syd-Ö snart ;-)))
Yes, this is not far from the roads, really. But I think it is quite enjoyable in this suburb even from the roads. So much greenary, so much space. My favorite route by car is from my home up to Safeway, where Starbucks is located, the same shopping center.
Thanks for coming with me!!!
Kul att du hängde på!
Det är väldigt grönt här, väldigt mkt träd. Ibland för mkt ;-)
Gångstigarna är underbara! finns hur många som helst att välja mellan. Det är en otroligt skön runda att börja dagen med...
En härlig promenadväg. Det ser verkligen ut som ett område jag också skulle trivas i, grönska och vatten är viktigt för mig. Tack för att du tog oss med.
Ja, och varför kan bara vissa se?? Fattar inte. Nå, vi ska hoppas att problemet löser sig så att du verkligen kan se om en stund. Trist är det iallafall :-(
Lustigt det där. Vi måste ha liknande datortider :-)
Jo, det är verkligen ett mysigt område. Jag trivs bra!
Mkt trist att bara vissa kan se. Fattar INTE!!!
Inte varit på Starbuck ännu???!!! Wow, det är nästan en bragd. Du får skriva om din upplevelse på Starbucks när vi väl har gått dit. Ser jag fram emot :-)
Tack, trivs så bra här!
Den är underbar, promenaden. Det var latten också ;-)))
starbucks är gott. Japp, poolen öppnar i helgen. K vill gå dit, men jag har hört att det ska bli skitväder så...
Vad kan det bero på? Varför kan vissa se bilderna, och inte andra? I don't get it...
Hoppas dom dyker upp snart iallafall...buhu...
Men skam den som ger sig! Jag kollar om en stund igen!
E det ni i Västra USA som har problem??? Det verkar nästan så...Plus Linn i Skottland. Kan inte hjälpa er heller, snyft...
Fattar det inte??? Fattar någon annan????
Så himla trist...Bilder som dessutom är så tidkrävande att lägga upp. Jag vill ju att ni ska se!!! Buhu!!!
Bra att dom syns i Florida!!! Blir glad över det!
Förstår inte det här fenomenet. Jatack, jag trivs mkt bra med att bo här.
Vill ju gärna se din prommis också!!! Vore ju jättekul!
Kul att du kan kommentera igen! Blev så glad! Det är skönt att våren inte går så fort i år. Jag tog bilderna i helgen, och idag när jag tittade hade plymspirean blivit dubbelt så hög :-)
Kul att du snor ideen! Ska komma och kolla hos dig imorrn igen då. HOPPAS bara att alla bilder syns. Verkar ju vara lite si och så med den saken...
Usch vad tråkigt att du inte kan SE!!! Fasiken, varför ska det strula???
Ja, jättebra att det går att kommentera!!!
Skumt. skumt, skumt...Bättre lycka imorrn kanske? Nu fick jag också vita rutor när jag kollade. Mkt underligt...Verkligen...
Can you see the pics today??? I can't...It is so weird...Yesterday I had them all day, and a lot of people could not see them. BUT a lot of people could see them as well...Blogger is strange. SO damn strange...
We live in a kick-ass area!!! :-)
Nej, dom bilderna är nog ett minne blott på alla datorer. Ska försöka klista in dom i ett nytt inlägg...