This Week: The Weather

I am not sure...But do you guys think that the weather around here is a little bit different these days? Actually I should say in the last couple of years.
I don't remember the falls being this rainy, or this cold either for that matter. I used to think that the fall was the BEST of seasons here in the DC-area. But lately it's been so rainy, so gray. Where are all the beautiful, sunny and clear fall days that we used to have so many of in the past? Every time when it was timefor me to have visitors from Sweden I always urged them to come in October, because that is when the weather would be like "The perfect Scandinavian Summer day". I am not so sure about that anymore...
What's going on with the weather anyway? I mean, the whole world seems to be out of whack. The last couple of years, or maybe the last 6-7 years the summers in Scandinavia have been hot. The heat waves have been around forever, for weeks. No rain, hot and sunny every day. And no AC so there is no escape from the heat either. The cars are the only places where you'll get some relief. All right, we are not talking 90 degrees here, and we are not talking humidity. At least not in the forces that we have in the humid summers here. But still...we're talking 80-85 degree weather week in and week out, and yes, you'll even have a 90 degree day here and there as well.
Another strange thing back home is that the evenings and nights have been so warm. It used to be a fact that the temp dropped a lot in the evenings, but heck, lately at our summer house I've been able to sit outside on the deck at midnight with nothing on but a t-shirt.
Today I was reading a blog that I always read. The woman who writes it lives on the west coast of Sweden. She said that she saw a man swimming in the sea over the weekend. Now, that is unheard of. It just does not happen that a person in Sweden would jump in the sea, or the lake in October. Unless, of course you've been in the sauna first. However, now it does happen apparently. Is it Global warming? I don't know? But it is not looking good.
Sure, if a person, in the summer time, had to pick between 64 degrees and cloudy conditions or 85 degrees under sunny skies you'll pick the sunny day, right? Me too, I am no masochist. But, I am still wondering what's going on? Hot summers in the far north, colder falls here in the Mid-Atlantic states and big ice bergs melting in the Arctic.
Winters in the far north? I know that last winter was like a true killer-winter with snow pretty much on the ground all the time from November to March, with cold temps. Who knows when that will change, though. The experts are saying that if we don't take actions against global warming we will start looking at rain all winter long up north, and the DC-area will slowly but surely become part of the tropics.
We can discuss this for a long time,but all I want to know is if you guys think the weather is getting more and more strange...???

Next week we will fluff it up again and talk about TV-series, promise.


Anonymous said…
It's not your imagination! Global warming is REAL and it's scarey. It's not just warm weather either. It's changes in all the weather patterns, more water some places(ie rainfall, flooding, snow), drier weather in other places. Global warming is a natural phenomenon that has happened many times in Earth's history. We've had several ice ages and several warming phases but our human activity is responsible for this HUGE increase in the rate of climate change in the last century.
Annika said…
Sara: We are to blame for this. I am so sure about it. It is scary, scary...And it seems to me that it all happened quite fast.
Keith said…
These days we hear so much more about weather fluctuations. I agree that something strange seems to be happening in the world. And that we may be part of the reasons for the climate change. The question remains, how much of an impact do we have considering that the weather also changes naturally over a period of years or decades? To me, that is very open to debate; however, we can lessen our impact on the world in a variety of ways, not because of the weather but because we believe it's the right thing to do for ourselves and future generations.
Anonymous said…
Keith, If you have any question about OUR impact on the planet, take a look at Al Gore's documentry An Inconvenient Truth. I suspect you'll come away with a pretty strong feeling that we are, at the very least, partly responsible.
Annika said…
Keith: This is a debate, all right. But I don't think we can close our eyes at all the evidence we see, and hear about anywhere. I can see changes in the weather pattern clearly here in the US and I can also see it clearly in the Nordic contries. Scary as hell! What is happening to the worlds weather is scary, and not natural. Today in the Post they had a notice about the big ice shelf that broke lose in Antarctica in 2002. Now scientist from Belgium and England can pin point that it broke lose due to the green house gas. Awful.

Sara: I have not watched Al Gore's documentary. But I want to. I hear it is quite an eye-opener.

This is an ongoing debate...
Anonymous said…
We have had weeks of 30-35 degrees Celsius in September and October in Sydney. It's unheard of! Usually it's around 15 degrees this time of the year.

Typically enough, the summers in Sweden were really cold and rainy. Until I moved. Since then they have been long, hot, sunny and just beautiful. My luck!
Annika said…
Matilda: Too bad for you with the summers in Sweden :-)

See, what you have in Sydney now is totally weird weather. It scares me. I mean a 15 degree CELSIUS difference is a HECK of difference.
Anonymous said…
The weather IS getting warmer it seems. I don't mind during January, but I don't dig it so much in August. There is no doubt that we are experiencing global warming, but to what degree is debatable. Unfortunately, one of the biggest pollutants is methane -- which is contributed into the environment in huge amounts by farting cattle -- and I am not kidding!! I guess we have to stop eating so many hamburgers in order to get rid of the cows! Haven't I learned some interesting things in my Geography class?!
Annika said…
Melinda: farting cows? Now, that is something. I can't help but laugh...what the heck are we feeding those cows that make them fart so much? I know that they give cattle lots and lots of antibiotics. Scary thought as well. I am trying to buy organic when I can, I am always buying organic milk for example. Yes, you do take an interesting class!
Suzanne said…
Melinda - the farting cows comment was just what I needed - I got a good laugh from that. Speaking of organic - I get all worked up about buying organic - especially organic chicken because they are saying girls are getting their periods younger because of the growth hormones injected into chicken. I go with the all oraganic for exactly one shopping trip and then it is back to whatver is convenient on the next trip out. I need to get some conviction!
Annika said…
Suzy: Yes, the farting cows are priceless...A good laugh even on something as serious as global warming...
I am trying to buy organic when I can. BUT the milk I buy is ALWAYS organic. I have heard the same thing as you heard about chickens. They fill them up on hormones, SCARY!!!