Tuesday, June 20, 2017

One of those blog lists, ya know ...

Morning Tuesday-Peeps!!

I hope the weekend treated you good!
I also hope you are ready for this week. I know, it is a short one for you Scandies, Midsummer and ALL coming up!
More on my thoughts of Midsummer later on this week.

I have a 21 year old daughter!
How weird is that!
Me, a mother of a true grown-up. OK, so HOW did THAT happen?
Karolina and her friends had so much fun during their 24 hours in Adam’s Morgan (a hip part of Washington DC) over the weekend.
They did party! For sure! And, they did have a blast.
I am very happy for them.

OK, so speaking about weird.
I stumbled upon a different kind of blog questionnaire.
People, I do think you can learn a thing, ot two, about the blogger thru these lists of questions that randomly pop up on blogs.

So here goes: A bit of an odd questionnaire.

1.  Do you like blue cheese?
NO, I do not like blue cheese. I think it tastes like PUKE!! For reals. Just the nastiest cheese around, according to me!

2.  Do people praise you for your looks?
It happens every now and then. It makes my happy every time, of course.

3. Do you own a gun?

4. What is your favorite cordial flavor?
Not so crazy about cordials in general. But, maybe a Grand Marnier or an Xante every once in while? But to be honest,  I hardly ever drink cordials.

5. Do you get nervous before Doctor appointments?
ALL the TIME!! ALL the time. I am not a fan of going to the doctor. It makes me very nervous and uncomfy, believe you me. My blood pressure spikes.  I am cool as a cucumber at the dentist's though ...

6. What do you think of hot dogs?
OK. I like Swedish hot dogs better than their American counterparts.
My favorite hot dog in Sweden is the so called french hotdog.

7. Favorite Christmas movie?
Christmas vacation, hands down!

8. What do you prefer to drink in the morning?
Coffee, two cups.  One caf-caf and one de-caf.

9. Do you do push-ups?
Uhhhmmm … NO. I should, tho!

10.What’s you favorite piece of jewelry?
I will have to say my wedding band, engagement ring and anniversary ring.

11. Favorite hobby?
Photographing, hiking, cooking, reading and writing.

12. Do you have A.D.D?

13.Do you know all the words to the Canadian national anthem?
No, I do not. I only know the first two words, “O, Canada”. Sorry Canadians for my lack of knowledge ...

14. Middle name?

15.Name three thoughts at this exact moment?
What? Why this question? And again, Weird.

16.Name 3 drinks you regularly drink?
 Coffee, hot tea (well, you all know how dangerous that can be. But I drink several cups a day) and wine.

17. Current worry?
I worry about stuff ALL the time. All kinds of stuff constantly.

18. Current hate right now?
Our administration here in the US, hate crimes and terror.

19. Favorite place to be?
My summer house.

20.How do you ring in the new year?
With neighbors and friends.

21.Where would you like to go?
To Alaska and to Australia.

22. Have you ever thrown up in a plane?
Never. I hope it never happens.

23.Do you own a pair of slippers?
OH yes, OH yes!!!

24. What color shirt are you wearing right now?
Orange "Under Armour" work out shirt (I just got back from my PW)

25. Do you like sleeping on satin sheets?
I have never slept in satin sheets. Wouldn't that be a slippery experience?

26. Can you whistle?

27. Favorite Color?

28. Would you be a pirate? 
Weird question again, NO!!!

29.What songs do you sing in the shower?
I really do not sing in the shower.

30.Where did you live the first time you moved out of your parent's house?
I moved to an apartment in Hässelby Strand (a suburb of Stockholm). I rented it from a co-worker while she was working in the U.S for a year.
I liked that flat, a lot, it had a beautiful view overlooking Lake Mälaren. It was furnished and fully stocked. I was 20 years old when I moved in there, and I lived there for a year.

31.Do you shampoo first in the shower or soap?
Shampoo first.

32.What’s in your pocket right now?
Nothing, I am wearing work-out pants.

33. Last thing that made you laugh?
Something Karolinas said.

34. Best bed sheets as a child?
Weird question again, I do not think I had favorites when it came to duvets and sheets. Oh wait, a pink duvet-set my grandmother gave me. Duvet, of course, pink and embroidered.

35.Worst injury you have ever had?
Yes, peeps, that is my arm and its current burn. This is my worst injury.

36. Do you love where you live?
I DO!!!!

37. How many TV’s do you have in your house?

38. Who is your loudest friend?
Keith! :-)

39. How many dogs do you have?

40. Does someone have a crush on you?
That would be awesome, haha!!

41.What book are you reading at the moment?
New York Stories.

42.What’s your favorite candy?
Swedish candy in general.  I am so happy that I am not a big fan of American candy!  It makes my life easier, haha.

43.What’s your favorite sports team?
None. I could not care less.

44.What did you have for dinner last night?
Spaghetti-squash and meat sauce.  Karolina's pick! And I do not mind at all!

All right, have a nice Tuesday!!


  1. Det var många frågor det!
    jag ska läsa igenom dem ordenligt senare under dagen, hinner inte nu.
    Är på väg till frissan.
    Grattis till Karolina! <3 Nu hon vuxen, helt säkert!
    Ha en fin torsdag du också!

  2. Rolig och annorlunda lista! Den måste jag nog låna :) favoritlakan, vilken fråga :)

  3. Karin:
    Nu är hon vuxen, for sure.
    Men, det vette 17 om jag verkligen tycker det ;-)
    En fin tisdag till dig, bästa Karin! NU ska vi inte gå händelserna i förväg!!
    Hoppas frissan var bra!!

  4. Anna:
    Jag vet, helt sjuka frågor somliga.
    Lakanen ja...
    Absolut knäppt. Sno den!!!

  5. WHAT???!!! I am not loud!!! 😡😡😄😄 At certain times I can be, I suppose... Interesting list. Buy, yes, a couple weird questions as well.

  6. Keith:
    But I know other loudies, too. YOU bet, but I know you the best.
    I know you won't get mad at this ;-P

  7. Skönt att partyt gick bra och att de hade kul:-). Känner igen det där med skratt, samma här, döttrar är roliga:-).

    Kul att läsa din lista, den osten hoppar jag också över på ostbrickan:-). Fint mellannamn du har, Annika Maria, vackert.

    Blå är min favoritfärg också, finns ju så många nyanser av den och så fint på kläder, i inredning med. Hade en kollega som kom med jättevackra krukor en dag i blått från Ekeby bl a, de passar hos dig sa hon, för de hade helt andra färger själva. Jag tyckte nästan inte jag kunde ta emot dem men karlen hennes hade sagt: ge dem till Monica:-).

    Lakan, haha, häromdagen tog maken fram Bäckebölja men tvekade, du tycker nog inte om dem sa han, men det gör jag, är lite av sommartyp och med en fin blå blomslinga. Annars spelar de kanske ingen större roll vilken sort det är:-).

    Ha det så fint idag Annika!

  8. Lite knasig men kul lista!

  9. Monica:
    Kul för dem.
    OCH jag är såklart glad att allt gick som planerat.
    Ah, kul att du också undviker blue cheese. Avskyr den!!
    ÄLSKAR blått, vilken underbart ljuvligt färg!
    Den enda gången jag inte vill ha blått är vid jul ;-)
    Annars, kör på!!!
    Ja, bäckebölja är verkligen sommarlakan.
    Gillar sådana, mysiga.
    Fyll i listan, Monica :-)
    Den är knäpp, men kul.
    Ha en fin tisdag!!

  10. Brysselkakan.
    Lite annorlunda.
    Go for it, gal!!!

  11. Gillar listor! Men OJ vilken lång och på ENGELSKA! Vad är/betyder cordial?
    Fin dag till dig Annika! KRAMAR Anna

  12. Kul att få veta lite mer om dig än jag visste förut. Fast det var inte något svar som var särskilt överraskande. Kanske att din favoritplats var sommarhuset i Närpes. Men jag förstår ju att du längtar dit, så vackert som där är på sommaren!
    Kram från Ingrid

  13. Anna:
    En lång, annorlunda lista.
    Cordial är likör.

  14. Ingrid:
    KUL att du gillade den. Lite lång och annorlunda. Tyckte du det var överraskande med Närpes, Ingrid? Där ser man :-) Jomen det är det, det finns ingen plats jag prisar mer än den. I hela världen.
    jag har en handfull platser jag älskar. Men sommarstugan är nummer 1.
    Stora kramar!!

  15. Det var många litet mysko frågor. ;) Som ADD!?!
    Kul att läsa i alla fall!
    Vem kan Kanadas nationalsång? :)
    Vad trevligt att du också heter Maria.
    Jag oroar mig också relativt ofta även om jag försöker “arbeta med" just detta och vara mer “cool".
    Would you be a pirate? Okej, det var mysko.
    Tack för en underhållande lista!

  16. AM.
    eller hur!??? SÅ skumt!
    Men lite annorlunda.
    Exakt, vem kan Kanadas nationalsång? Inte jag iaf ;-)
    Jag med, mitt ständiga inre arbete, den mot olika sorters oro. USCH!!
    Varsågod, ja det var en klart annorlunda lista.
    Go for it ;-)
