Tuesday, September 04, 2007

This Week: Post one: Busy

A new school year! A new kick-off!! What do you think better marks off a new year? New Year’s Day? Or, the first day of school?
I think the first day of school feels more significant then the actual start of a new year.

Start fresh, start new, new thinking, new views! How about? Just start!! NEW! START!

Today Karolina is starting sixth grade. This will be her last year in Elementary School. Does it feel weird? Yes, you bet it does. It was only yesterday she started Kindergarten, or at least it sure does feel that way to us, her parents.
Since I have already been writing so much about school, and American schools in particular, in my Swedish posts below on this page I will not bother you with that right now. You all know what that is all about, right?

When I started a new school-year back in Sweden it was ALWAYS in mid-August! We always started out the semester with a ½ day. Nothing more.
That first day of school marked the end of the summer. Just as we had celebrated the end of the school year in early June we now ended it the same way: we went to the beach.

The beach!? Yes, indeed. Where I grew up we had two beaches within walking distance from our home. You could pick and chose which one you wanted. I think we usually picked the beach at Kaanan in Bromma. And, sure, we did enjoy our last day of freedom there.

Folks, I don’t have that much time to write this morning. I’ll publish another post here in the afternoon. But for now this just has to do!!

Oh, and today my daily Power walking starts again! Now, it is a regular day again. Summer IS over...

In the meantime you can just enjoy my father and Karolina singing a Swedish summer-song in the post below :-))

LATER today!!


  1. Time really flies... Tomorrow the Daughter starts her preschool and next year already she'll be in school... I enjoy your posts about the US school - have realized that up til now I haven't really known much about it...

  2. Jacal:
    I know. It is so much to learn, especially for us aliens. I hope all will go good for your daughter tomorrow, I am sure it will. I was more nervous than K the first day of pre-school...

  3. Time certainly does go by fast. I can't believe that Karolina's in 6th grade already! Schools in the UK have started today. I saw a lot of kids in uniform. Look forward to reading some more news from home soon.

  4. Keith:
    How is it going in the UK??? Having a good time?
    Yes, I should publish another post before this day is over with...
    Have fun!!

  5. Hej Annika!!
    Kollade in din blogg se'n du lämnat så otroligt snälla kommentarer till mig på Monicas (min svägerska) blogg. Blev så peppad så jag börjat fundera på att starta & det skulle faktiskt vara superkul! Kan bara inte riktigt gräva fram tiden just nu då jag (& min omgivning) är glad om jag ens hinner ta en dusch då & då. MEN nu sitter jag ju trots allt här så vem vet?? Kul att du brukade bada vid Kaanan hemma i Svedala, var även ett av mina hemma-hak när jag växte upp!!

  6. Eeve:
    Jättevälkommen till min blogg! Kul att ha dig här!
    Om du skulle börja blogga skulle jag bli en av dina trogna läsare...Så det är bara att grabba tag i datorn och sätta igång!!
    Hoppas det lugnar ner sig med stressen i ditt liv så att du verkligen kan få tid att slå dig ner!
    Kul att ha dig här! Och kul att du vet var Kaanan ligger...Kaanan och Ängby badet var tillhåll för mig :-)

  7. Men himmel Annika :-))) Du gör mig underbart lycklig! Jag klickade på musikstycket nedan och som jag skrattade HELT UNDERBART :-) och den skånskan. Vilket underbart klipp. Så mycket livsglädje och lite nyskapande text! Peps hade varit stolt :-)

  8. Tina:
    Ha, ha...Glad att det gladde dig!! Jag vet skånskan är oslagbar, eller hur ;-)))
    Japp, och ny text också...
    Kul att du gillade det hela!
